Ask the user to enter a digit between 0 and 9. Have the program print
out the digit in words, for example:

Enter a digit between 0 and 9: 4
You entered the number four

Assume that the user will enter only a single digit. The user may
accidentally enter a single character, and this should generate an error

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int num1;

printf("Insert a number from 0 to 9: ");
if(num1< 0 || num1>9)
printf("You entered the number ");
( num1==0) printf("zero");
else if
( num1==1) printf("one");
else if
( num1==2) printf("two");
else if
( num1==3) printf("three");
else if
( num1==4) printf("four");
else if
( num1==5) printf("five");
else if
( num1==6) printf("six");
else if
( num1==7) printf("seven");
else if
( num1==8) printf("eight");
else if
( num1==9) printf("nine");

return 0;
the if and else statement is just really beating me down, I am using X code and I tried to look at the code snippets and type it exactly but I am still having a problem...