Thread: "initializer element is not constant" error

  1. #16
    Registered User
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    Thanks for the expanded snippet!

    Yeh! I'm working on a compiler - working to get it to compile. It's dated software that I scooped off the 'net. If the language turns out to be a dud, I'll have at least gotten some exposure to C and the hoops that you all have to jump through. ) I should give up on all other langauges, and simply learn Ansi C!


  2. #17
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    Did you look at the ABC website?

    It looks to be mostly abandoned...

  3. #18
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    I did so! The syntax looked simple enough that I thought I'd give it a shot. That might come to a grinding halt real quick here, if I have to fool around much longer to get this thing built. I might as well learn C - right?

  4. #19
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    I don't want to take the air out of your sails... but if you don't know C at all... this is going to be miles over your head.
    (Also note that, according to the website, it produces 16bit DOS code...)

    Why not set this aside for a month or so, grab a good book or tutorial on C (there's tons of them), do the page by page, exercise by exercise thing and learn the language.... then come back to this when you stand a half way chance of making it work.

  5. #20
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    Yeh! You're right! Not worth the bother.

    I know _some_ C I'm fluent in Perl and PHP; learning Ruby at the moment. Can also get by in newLISP. So I'm not totally clueless - but yeh! I've been meaning to bear down and learn ANSI C well. After all, if you know C, you can do anything! Right? ) Thanks!

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukester View Post
    Yeh! You're right! Not worth the bother.

    I know _some_ C I'm fluent in Perl and PHP; learning Ruby at the moment. Can also get by in newLISP. So I'm not totally clueless - but yeh! I've been meaning to bear down and learn ANSI C well. After all, if you know C, you can do anything! Right? ) Thanks!
    Well, I don't know about "Anything"... I mean, I know C pretty well by now... but there's no way you're going to get me to jump out of a perfectly good airplane!

    There are limits...

  7. #22
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    Aaah! Come on! Don't the OOP guys do _that_ all the time?

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommonTater View Post
    Well, I don't know about "Anything"... I mean, I know C pretty well by now... but there's no way you're going to get me to jump out of a perfectly good airplane!

    There are limits...
    I agree with CommonTater, this might be because I am former Air Force. To jump out of a perfectly good airplane is what the Army does.

    C is very good to do low level programming; the only thing better is assembly. Better defined as small size and fast speed.

    Tim S.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by stahta01 View Post
    I agree with CommonTater, this might be because I am former Air Force. To jump out of a perfectly good airplane is what the Army does.
    As a former USMC enlistee with his "gold wings", I can say that the first time I jumped out I was scared. The 2nd time, that sorry-ass Jump Master had to push me and a bunch of others out. ) Dirty bastard! 3rd time+ was OK. Then I got my orders to "Nam" from Camp Lejeune - and that put an end to _that_ crap for 2 years.

    C is very good to do low level programming; the only thing better is assembly. Better defined as small size and fast speed.
    You bet! I've also dabbled with Wirth's Oberon. Same thing - fast; not too verbose and cryptic; but hardly no libraries of anything. It never caught on ...

  10. #25
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    Sigh... and for a few minutes each day, I *still* want Pascal back. That language had a lot of promise until Borland went all Delphi on it and eventually ended up killing it... Still got the compilers and units here (of course) but no unicode and no x64 support...

    One think I can guarantee you ...
    LOL... if somebody pushed me out of an airplane... he seriously wants to hope I'm noplace around when the plane lands...

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