I was doing some experiments with pointer and wrote the following code :-
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
	int *p;
	int *q;

	p = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * 3);

	printf ("Address: &p = %u, p = %u\n", &p, p);

	p[0] = 10;
	p[1] = 20;
	p[2] = 30;

	q = p;
	printf ("&q = %u, q = %u\n", &q, q);

	printf ("After Freeing p:\n&q = %u, q = %u\n", &q, q);

	printf ("%d %d %d\n", q[0], q[1], q[2]);

	return 0;
I have allocated the memory to pointer p for 3 integers and then i assigned them values 10, 20, 30. Now for pointer q, I set it to point to the address pointed by p. Now I freed pointer p's allocated memory. After freeing, q will still point to the same address. Now when I print the values again through q, the first value q[0] comes out to be 0 and remaining the same. Why does it happen? Any Idea.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Aakash Johari