I'm trying to create a directed random graph and using the code in Robert Sedgewick's Algorithms book. Whilst the code is working I am having trouble understanding how to use adjacency lists in particular the GraphinsertE function below. I have an idea in my head as to how it is working but when I try to follow the code I get confused with the pointer to pointers. I am trying to understand what happens with just 3 nodes A,B and C and what happens when I insert an edge between A and B, and then A and C. If anyone could talk me through this it would really help. Here is the code. I'm new to the board so hope I have done this right.

typedef struct { int v; int w; } Edge;
typedef struct graph *Graph;
typedef struct node *link;

struct node { int v; link next; };
struct graph { int V; int E; link *adj; };

link NEW(int v, link next)
  link x = malloc(sizeof *x);
  assert(x != NULL); 
  x->v = v; x->next = next;
  return x;

Graph GRAPHinit(int V)
  int v;
  Graph G = malloc(sizeof *G);
  G->V = V; G->E = 0;
  G->adj = malloc(V*sizeof(link));
  for (v = 0; v < V; v++) G->adj[v] = NULL;
  return G;

void GRAPHinsertE(Graph G, Edge e)
  int v = e.v, w = e.w;
  G->adj[v] = NEW(w, G->adj[v]);

Edge EDGE(int a1, int a2)
  Edge r;
  r.v = a1;
  r.w = a2;
  return r;
The bit I then need to understand is how
would be working.