Hi all,

I'm having some trouble with an assignment where I have to encrypt or decrypt a four digit integer. The encryption and decryption isn't really a problem for me, it's the section for user options. Every time I come to the point where the user has the option to exit, I seem to have trouble executing that task. Please see below.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void encrypt(int number1);
void decrypt(int number2);

int main(void)
	int number;
	char option, option2;

	printf("Encode or Decode? (e/d)");
	scanf("%c", &option);

	if(option == 'e'){
		printf("Enter four digit number: ");
		scanf("%d", &number);

	else if(option == 'd'){
		printf("Enter four digit number: ");
		scanf("%d", &number);
		printf("please choose an option.");

	printf("\nContinue? (y/n) ");
	scanf("%c", &option2);

	if(option2 == 'y'){
			printf("Encode or Decode? (e/d)");
			scanf("%c", &option);

			if(option == 'e'){

				printf("Enter four digit number: ");
				scanf("%d", &number);

			else if(option == 'd'){

				printf("Enter four digit number: ");
				scanf("%d", &number);

				printf("please choose an option.");
			printf("\nContinue? (y/n) ");
			scanf("%c", &option2);
		}while(option2 != 'n');
		printf("Please remember to secure your password before exiting.\n");

	return 0;
void encrypt(int number1)

	int i;
	int j = 0;
	int temp;
	int code[4];
	int a, b, c, d, m, n, o, p;

	for(i = 1000; i >= 1; i /= 10){
		temp = number1 % i;
		code[j] = (number1 - temp) / i;
		number1 = temp;
	m = code[0];
	n = code[1];
	o = code[2];
	p = code[3];

	m += 7,	n += 7,	o += 7,	p += 7;			 /*add 7 to digit*/

	m %= 10, n %= 10, o %= 10, p %= 10;		 /*replace digit with remainder of 10*/

	a = m * o/m;							 /*swap first digit with third*/
	c = o * m/o;							 /*swap third digit with first*/

	b = n * p/n;							 /*swap second digit with fourth*/
	d = p * n/p;							 /*swap second digit with fourth*/

	printf("Encrypted number is: %d%d%d%d", a, b, c, d); /*print new number*/

void decrypt(int number2)
	int t = 0;
	int s;
	int temp;
	int code[4];
	int a, b, c, d, i, j, k, l;

	for(s = 1000; s >= 1; s /= 10){
		temp = number2 % s;
		code[t] = (number2 - temp) / s;
		number2 = temp;
	i = code[0];
	j = code[1];
	k = code[2];
	l = code[3];

	a = i * k/i;	/*swap first digit with third*/
	c = k * i/k;	/*swap third digit with first*/

	b = j * l/j;	/*swap second digit with fourth*/
	d = l * j/l;	/*swap second digit with fourth*/

	a += 3,	b += 3,	c += 3,	d += 3;	/*simplified - remainder of ten, then minus seven*/

	printf("Decrypted number is: %d%d%d%d", a, b, c, d); /*print new number*/