I'm learning about buffer overflow in class and so I looked up some stuff and stumbled upon a website with some sample code to overflow a buffer and make a shell. Here's the code below:
 * Run a shell via asm.  No embedded NULL's.
 * Written by Aleph One - taken from 'Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit".

char shellcode[] =

void main() {
   int *ret;

   ret = (int *)&ret + 2;
   (*ret) = (int)shellcode;

It came from here: Shellcode : Linux

It says it was developed for Debian GNU/Linux and should work on other distributions without change. I'm using Ubuntu, and the code doesn't seem to be working. It doesn't launch a shell or anything. Should I try a Debian GNU/Linux distrbution and see if it works? I've also tried running it remotely on one of my schools linux terminals to no avail (CentOS).