Hey guys. Recently I had a homework assignment, to essentially make a stack of queues. I did complete it a couple weeks ago, and just got 100% on the assignment, but I am curious as to how I could improve my work. IE: streamline the program, so it does what it does in a "cleaner" way.

For example, in order for me to modify the queue on the top of the stack, I had to pop it, enqueue it, and re-push it with a special push function that only works for queues popped from the stack. I was wondering if there is a way to bypass this.

Anyway, please take a look, and have fun with it. I will post the assignment details, and the actual assignment code. I hope this can be a good learning experience for me. Thanks!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 256    // Size of the filename and event strings

// Instances of this structure represent a train staion
struct stack
    struct queue* store;    // An array of queues, used to store trains
    int top;                // Index value of store.  Where the top of the stack is
    int size;               // Size of the array of queues (store)

// Instances of this structure represent a train
struct queue
    int* store;     // Array of integers.  Used to store the car numbers
    int front;      // Indicates where the front of the queue is 
    int back;       // Indicates where the back of the queue is
    int size;       // Size of the store array

// Function prototypes! Arranged by type for your convenience!
void push(struct stack* s, struct queue item);
void expand_stack(struct stack* s);
void print_stack(struct stack* s);
void print_queue(struct queue q);
void enqueue(struct queue* q, int data);
void dequeue(struct queue* q);
void expandqueue(struct queue* q);
void welcome_msg();

int is_queue_empty(struct queue* q);
int is_stack_empty(struct stack* s);

struct queue* new_queue(int initsize);
struct stack* new_stack(int initsize);
struct queue* new_top(struct queue top);
struct queue pop(struct stack* s);

int main(void)
    FILE* fin;                            // Typical file pointer
    char filename[SIZE], event[SIZE];     // The filename and event strings;  Retrived from user and file input respectively
    struct stack* station;                // The station (stack) used throughout the program
    struct queue* train;                  // The train(s) used throughout the program;  Represents the newest one to be created  
    struct queue* toptrain;               // The train on the top of our stack of trains
    int totnum, num, choice;              // Total number of events, number of cars / car number, and while loop condition, respectively
    welcome_msg();      // Probably the coolest welcome message ever
    do  // Will execute program until user chooses to quit!
        printf("Enter input filename: ");
        scanf("%s", &filename);
        fin = fopen("input.txt", "r");      // Reads input file
        // Checks first value of the file.  This is used to determine how many 
        // events are scheduled, and also the initial size of the stack
        fscanf(fin, "%d", &totnum);         
        station = new_stack(totnum);    // Initialize a new stack;  Holds totnum elements
        int i; // Loop index
        for(i = 0; i < totnum; i ++)            // Reads each event in the file; Number of events specified by totnum
            fscanf(fin, "%s", &event);  // Reads the event
            if(strcmp(event, "new_train") == 0)     // Checks to see if the event is new_train
                fscanf(fin, "%d", &num);            // Scans the number of cars, so we know how big our new queue needs to be
                train = new_queue(num);             // Initializes our queue; Initially it can hold num elements
                int k; // Loop index
                for(k = 0; k < num; k++)            // Reads in each car number and adds it to the train
                    int qnum;
                    fscanf(fin, "%d", &qnum);
                    enqueue(train, qnum);           // Adds cars onto train queue; FIFO
                push(station, *train);              // Pushes our new queue (train) onto the stack
                printf("ADDED TRAIN: ");
                print_queue(*train);                // Prints a representation of the current queue
                print_stack(station);               // Prints a representation of the current stack
            else if(strcmp(event, "train_departs") == 0)   // If a train departs...
                if(is_stack_empty(station))     // Checks to see if stack is empty; That is, no trains can depart
                    printf("The station is EMPTY! No train departed!\n\n");
                    printf("Train departed: ");
                    print_queue(pop(station));      // Pops the stack; Prints the train that departed
            else if(strcmp(event, "add_car") == 0)  // If a car is to be added...
                if(is_stack_empty(station))  // An empty station means no trains to add cars to!
                    printf("The station is empty! No trains to add cars to!\n");
                    fscanf(fin, "%d", &num);
                    printf("ADD CAR: %d\n", num);
                    // Initializes our top train;  Pop returns the queue at the top, so it is copied to
                    // toptrain, enqueded with the car specified, and re-pushed onto the stack as toptrain
                    toptrain = new_top((pop(station)));     
                    enqueue(toptrain, num);
                    push(station, *toptrain);
            else if(strcmp(event, "remove_car") == 0)   // If a car is to removed...
                if(is_stack_empty(station))     // An empty station means no trains to remove cars from!
                    printf("The station is empty! No trains to remove cars from!\n");
                    int dnum;   // The number of the car to be removed
                    // Once again, pop returns the queue at the top of the stack, so we pop, copy
                    // the top queue to toptrain, dequeue toptrain, and push it back onto the stack
                    toptrain = new_top((pop(station)));
                    dnum = toptrain->store[toptrain->front];
                    printf("REMOVING CAR: %d\n", dnum);
                    push(station, *toptrain);
        printf("Load another file? (1 = yes || 0 = no): ");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
        while(choice != 1)  // Shall we go again?
            if(choice == 0)
                printf("Invalid selection! Please choose again!\n");
                printf("Load another file? (1 = yes || 0 = no): ");
                scanf("%d", &choice);
    }while(choice != 0);
    printf("Train station abandoned! Goodbye!\n");
    system("PAUSE");  // Pauses the shell (WINDOWS ONLY)
    return 0;

// Typical stack expansion function.  Makes our store array bigger.  This is here because
// store could get filled.  Specifically, this function doubles the size of the store array.
void expand_stack(struct stack* s)
    struct queue* oldstore = s->store;  // Pointer to our store array of queues

    s->store = calloc(s->size * 2, sizeof(struct queue));  // Doubles the size, essentially
    int i;  // Loop index; Copies the store array to our new, double sized one.
    for(i = 0; i < s->size; i++)
        s->store[i] = oldstore[i];
    s->size *= 2;

// Standard stack constructor.  Initsize is the size of the store array.
struct stack* new_stack(int initsize)
    struct stack* s;
    s = malloc(sizeof(struct stack));   // Allocate memory
    s->store = calloc(initsize, sizeof(struct queue));  // Create our store array
    s->top = 0;
    s->size = initsize;     // Size is same as array
    return s;

// Pushes data onto the top of the stack; LIFO; The data is a queue (train)
void push(struct stack* s, struct queue item)
    if(s->top == s->size)   // If we run out of space in the array, we need to expand

    s->store[s->top] = item;    // Top of the array becomes our item. Top is increased

// Standard stack pop.  Removes the item on the top of the stack and returns it;
struct queue pop(struct stack* s)
    return s->store[s->top];

// Returns 1 if the stack is empty.
int is_stack_empty(struct stack* s)
    return s->top == 0;   

// Prints a current representation of the stack
void print_stack(struct stack* s)
        printf("The station is EMPTY!\n\n");    
    printf("Station current state: ");
    int i; // Loop index
    for(i = 0; i < s->top; i++)
        print_queue(s->store[i]);   // Prints each train within the stack
        printf("  ");

// Standard queue initialization.  Basically the same as new_stack.  Initisize is
// the size of the store array
struct queue* new_queue(int initsize)
    struct queue* q;
    q = malloc(sizeof(struct queue));       // Make some space
    q->store = calloc(initsize, sizeof(int));   // Store array is initsize big
    q->front = 0;
    q->back = 0;
    q->size = initsize;
    return q;

// Works similar to expandstack and for the same reasons.  The store array could
// become full, thus it needs to be expanded.  This also doubles the size of the array.
void expandqueue(struct queue* q)
    int* oldstore = q->store;
    q->store = calloc(q->size * 2, sizeof(int));    // The new, double-sized store array
    int i;  // Loop index
    for(i = 0; i < q->size; i++)
        q->store[i] = oldstore[(i+q->front) % q->size];     // Copies data to new array.  Allows for an odd number of spaces
    q->front = 0;
    q->back = q->size;
    q->size = q->size * 2;      // Twice the size.  This makes sure size value supports the actual size

// Technially, this does not check if the queue (train) is empty, but works under the same
// principle.  What it does is check to see if the queue has only one object.  This is because
// you can't have a train with 0 cars.  To check if the queue is truely empty, just remove the 
// -1 from q->back.
int is_queue_empty(struct queue* q)
    return q->front == q->back-1;   

// Adds data to the back of the queue.  If its full, it calls expandqueue to make
// it bigger.
void enqueue(struct queue* q, int data)
    q->store[q->back] = data;           // Object at the back becomes our data
    q->back = (q->back + 1) % q->size;  // Move the back up one position.  Also makes sure we don't exceed the size of the array

    if(q->front == q->back) // Is it full?  If so, double the size

// Removes the item at the front of the queue.
void dequeue(struct queue* q)
    if(is_queue_empty(q) == 1)  // Is our queue "empty" (according to Bob)? If so, theres nothing to dequeue
        printf("ERROR! Car not removed because there is only ONE car left on the train!\n");
        q->front = (q->front + 1) % q->size;    // Removes item from the front.  Makes sure we don't exceed the size of array.

// Prints out a representation of the train.  Prints each value in the queue at the time its called.
void print_queue(struct queue q)
    int i;
    printf("[ ");
    for(i = q.front; i < q.back; i++)
        printf("%d ", q.store[i]);

// Exactally the same as new_queue, but this is used when pop returns a queue, and not a pointer.
// Function is used when we need to create and edit the train currently at the top of the stack.
// For a more detailed explanation, see function new_queue
struct queue* new_top(struct queue top)
    struct queue* q;
    q = malloc(sizeof(struct queue));
    q->store = calloc(top.size, sizeof(int));
    q->front = top.front;
    q->back = top.back;
    q->size = top.size;
    int i;
    for(i = top.front; i < top.back; i++)
        q->store[i] = top.store[i];
    return q;  

// By far the coolest welcome message ever
void welcome_msg()
    printf("                                         (@@@)     (@@@@@)          \n"); 
    printf("                               (@@)     (@@@@@@@)        (@@@@@@@)  \n");
    printf("                         (@@@@@@@)   (@@@@@)       (@@@@@@@@@@@)    \n");
    printf("                    (@@@)     (@@@@@@@)   (@@@@@@)             (@@@)\n");
    printf("               (@@@@@@)    (@@@@@@)                (@)              \n");
    printf("           (@@@)  (@@@@)           (@@)                             \n");
    printf("        (@@)              (@@@)                                     \n");
    printf("       .-.                                                          \n");
    printf("       ] [    .-.      _    .-----.                                 \n");
    printf("     .\"   \"\"\"\"   \"\"\"\"\"\" \"\"\"\"| .--`                                  \n");
    printf("    (:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-| [___    .------------------------.    \n");
    printf("     |C&O  :  :  :  :  :  : [_9_] |'='|.----------------------.|    \n");
    printf("    /|.___________________________|___|'--.___.--.___.--.___.-'|    \n");
    printf("   / ||_.--.______.--.______.--._ |---\\'--\\-.-/==\\-.-/==\\-.-/-'/--  \n");
    printf("  /__;^=(==)======(==)======(==)=^~^^^ ^^^^(-)^^^^(-)^^^^(-)^^^     \n");
    printf("                  Welcome to Bob's Train Station!                   \n\n");