Thread: Help with a code using File I/O and Loops

  1. #1
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    Help with a code using File I/O and Loops

    It seems as though I've written the code perfectly, although its not executing properly. I have to read a bunch of data from a file (which i named test.txt) and then execute a bunch of options to the user via a menu. heres the code.
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        //initialize variables
        char fname[128];
        int size = 0;
        FILE* fin;
        int count = 0;
        int option;
        int low_bound;
        int high_bound;
        int x;
        double average = 0;
        int lowest = -1;
        int highest = 0;
        int target_donation;
        int target_count = 0;
        int target_donation2;
        int target_count2 = 0;
        int target_donation3;
        double percentage;
        int sum = 0;
        int total_under;
        int number[size];
        //Prompts user for the name of their data file to read.
        printf("Please enter the name of the data file\n");
        scanf("%s", fname);
        //Notice the "r". If it were a "w" it would be writing, not reading to the file
        fin = fopen(fname, "r");
        //This line scans the file that it is reading, and is reading the numbers within the file
        fscanf("%d ",&size);
        //This while loop accumulates the number of numbers within the file.
              fscanf(fin,"%d ", &number[count]);
        //Close the file
        //Tells the user how many numbers were read within the file
        printf("The data for %d numbers of contributions has been read.\n", count);
                //Now starts the menu process, asking the user for his/her choice
                printf("Please make a choice from the following options:\n");
                //Full menu
                printf("1. Calculate the average donation for a subset of the donations.\n");
                printf("2. Calculate the minimum donation for a subset of the donations.\n");
                printf("3. Calculate the maximum donation for a subset of the donations.\n");
                printf("4. Calculate the number of donations exceeding a target value.\n");
                printf("5. Calculate the number of donations of a particular dollar amount.\n");
                printf("6. Calculate what percentage of the donations (Value Wise) are under a target value.\n");
                printf("7. Quit\n");
                //Scanning the users option for the menu list
                scanf("%d", &option);
                //If the user chooses to quit, they will type 7, which the computer will read and return the program to quit
                if(option == 7)
                        return 0;
                //I grouped options 1 to 3 because they all use the lower and higher bound variables.
                //I was going to individually write each option out, but grouping the 3 was easier.
                if((option >= 1)&&(option<=3))
                    printf("What is the low bound for your group(0-%d)?\n", size);
                    scanf("%d", &low_bound);
                    printf("What is the high bound for your group(0-%d)?\n", size);
                    scanf("%d", &high_bound);
                         for(x=low_bound; x<=high_bound; x++)
                       printf("The average donation from person %d to person %d is $%.2lf.\n", low_bound, high_bound, average);
                         for(x=low_bound; x<=high_bound; x++)
                            printf("The smallest donation from person %d to person %d is $&d .\n", low_bound, high_bound, lowest);
                        for(x=low_bound; x<=high_bound; x++)
                        printf("The largest donation from person %d to person %d is $%d .\n", low_bound, high_bound, highest);
                //Now to compute if the user selects option 4
                //This time around, I chose to split up the 3 options that use the common variable of a target donation
                   printf("What is the target donation?\n");
                   scanf("%d", &target_donation);
                    for(x=lowest; x<highest; x++)
                        if(target_donation>=number[x]) //consider revising
                   printf("%d people donated more than %d .", target_count, target_donation);
                //Now to compute if the user selects option 5
                    printf("What is the target donation?\n");
                    scanf("%d", &target_donation2);
                    for(x=lowest; x<=highest; x++)
                        if(number[x]==target_donation2) //consider revising
                    printf("%d people donated exactly $%d .\n", target_count2, target_donation2);
                //Now to compute if the user selects option 6
                    printf("What is the target donation?\n");
                    scanf("%d", &target_donation3);
                    for(x = 0; x < count; x++)
                        sum += number[x];
                    for(x=lowest; x<=highest; x++)
                        if(total_under < target_donation3)
                            total_under+= number[x];
                       percentage = (sum/total_under) * 100;
                    printf("Donations under $%d accounted for %.2lf percent of the funds raised",target_donation3, percentage);
        return 0;

    So test.txt is a file with this written in it:

    where the output should be similar to this:
    Please enter the name of the data file.
    The data for 10 number of contributions has been read.

    Please make a choice from the following options:
    1) Calculate the average donation for a subset of the donations.
    2) Calculate the minimum donation for a subset of the donations.
    3) Calculate the maximum donation for a subset of the donations.
    4) Calculate the number of donations exceeding a target value.
    5) Calculate the number of donations of a particular dollar amount.
    6) Calculate what percentage of the donations (value wise) are under a target value.
    7) Quit

    What is the low bound for your group (0-9)?
    What is the high bound for your group (0-9)?
    The average donation from person 3 to person 6 is $832.50.

    Please make a choice from the following options:
    1) Calculate the average donation for a subset of the donations.
    2) Calculate the minimum donation for a subset of the donations.
    3) Calculate the maximum donation for a subset of the donations.
    4) Calculate the number of donations exceeding a target value.
    5) Calculate the number of donations of a particular dollar amount.
    6) Calculate what percentage of the donations (value wise) are under a target value.
    7) Quit

    What is the low bound for your group (0-9)?
    What is the high bound for your group (0-9)?
    The smallest donation from person 3 to person 6 is $30.

    Please make a choice from the following options:
    1) Calculate the average donation for a subset of the donations.
    2) Calculate the minimum donation for a subset of the donations.
    3) Calculate the maximum donation for a subset of the donations.
    4) Calculate the number of donations exceeding a target value.
    5) Calculate the number of donations of a particular dollar amount.
    6) Calculate what percentage of the donations (value wise) are under a target value.
    7) Quit

    What is the low bound for your group (0-9)?
    What is the high bound for your group (0-9)?
    The largest donation from person 3 to person 6 is $2000.

    Please make a choice from the following options:
    1) Calculate the average donation for a subset of the donations.
    2) Calculate the minimum donation for a subset of the donations.
    3) Calculate the maximum donation for a subset of the donations.
    4) Calculate the number of donations exceeding a target value.
    5) Calculate the number of donations of a particular dollar amount.
    6) Calculate what percentage of the donations (value wise) are under a target value.
    7) Quit

    What is the target donation?
    4 people donated more than $75.

    Please make a choice from the following options:
    1) Calculate the average donation for a subset of the donations.
    2) Calculate the minimum donation for a subset of the donations.
    3) Calculate the maximum donation for a subset of the donations.
    4) Calculate the number of donations exceeding a target value.
    5) Calculate the number of donations of a particular dollar amount.
    6) Calculate what percentage of the donations (value wise) are under a target value.
    7) Quit

    What is the target donation?
    2 people donated exactly $25.

    Please make a choice from the following options:
    1) Calculate the average donation for a subset of the donations.
    2) Calculate the minimum donation for a subset of the donations.
    3) Calculate the maximum donation for a subset of the donations.
    4) Calculate the number of donations exceeding a target value.
    5) Calculate the number of donations of a particular dollar amount.
    6) Calculate what percentage of the donations (value wise) are under a target value.
    7) Quit

    What is the target donation?
    Donations under $500 accounted for 17.50 percent of the total funds raised.
    Can anyone help me as to why the file isn't executing properly? Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by bns1201; 10-17-2008 at 06:20 PM.

  2. #2
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    And you know it isn't executing properly because why?

    Anyway, this
    while (!feof(fin))
    is bad in that it will read the last data entry twice. It's an FAQ; you should look it up.

  3. #3
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    If it reads the last data entry twice, how would I fix that?

  4. #4
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bns1201 View Post
    If it reads the last data entry twice, how would I fix that?
    Quote Originally Posted by tabstop View Post
    It's an FAQ; you should look it up.
    You've got to learn to read all the way to the end of the line.

  5. #5
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    Im using netbeans6.1 on a mac, and it when i run and compile it, it begins fine, but when I put in the file name, it gives me this

    /Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans line 103: 6823 Segmentation fault "$pgm" "$@"

  6. #6
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    1. If you're on a mac, good luck with system("PAUSE").
    2. Your compiler complained very loudly about the line
        int number[size];
    which makes a zero-length array. Ignoring the complaints does not actually fix the problem.

  7. #7
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    with the initialization of size as 0, is that what the complaining is about? And yea i know about the system("PAUSE") ordeal lol, I have to have it run in a windows native environment, but I have a mac :/

    But if I don't initialize size as 0 would it get me closer to running correctly?

  8. #8
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    No. You can't create the array until you know what size is supposed to be.[1] Your code seems to assume that the first number is the size, but your sample text file doesn't contain it.

    Unless your instructor gave you the directive to include system("PAUSE") in your program, I wouldn't include it -- it's not necessary (and usually not desired) on that OS either.

    [1]If you happen to know an upper limit on the size, you can use that instead to create the array (the excess memory will be wasted, but it probably won't be that much).

  9. #9
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    Alright, I initialized the integer number[] after i scanned the document, is that what you meant by creating it after you know what it is supposed to be?

     //Prompts user for the name of their data file to read.
        printf("Please enter the name of the data file\n");
        scanf("&#37;s", fname);
        //Notice the "r". If it were a "w" it would be writing, not reading to the file
        fin = fopen(fname, "r");
        //This line scans the file that it is reading, and is reading the numbers within the file
        fscanf("%d ",&size);
        int number[size];

  10. #10
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Yes -- on the assumption that the first number in the file actually is the number of data values in the rest of the file. (Again, the sample .txt file you gave did not start with 10.)

    I feel obligated to mention that this is "new C" (C99, as opposed to C89), and different compilers have different amounts of adherence to the new standard.

  11. #11
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    Ok, its starting to make sense. The original test.txt file that my instructor had given me included a 10 at the begining of the file, i have made the edit to show how it originally appeared b4 I had deleted the 10 because it had made more sense to me.

    Now after that, is there any problem with the loops I have for questions 4, 5, and 6, because im pretty confident that questions 1, 2, 3, and 7 are correct.

  12. #12
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    -1 is not a valid array index. Your loops shouldn't go from -1 to 0, but from 0 to size.

  13. #13
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    so would i have to change:
    int lowest = -1;
    int highest = 0;


    int lowest = 0;
    int highest = size;


  14. #14
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    You should change
    int lowest = -1;
    int highest = 0;
    The variables serve no purpose in your program, so why have them?

  15. #15
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                         for(x=low_bound; x<=high_bound; x++)
                            printf("The smallest donation from person &#37;d to person %d is $&d .\n", low_bound, high_bound, lowest);
                        for(x=low_bound; x<=high_bound; x++)
                        printf("The largest donation from person %d to person %d is $%d .\n", low_bound, high_bound, highest);
    Could you steer me in a direction so that I can make these 2 if loops work if I do in fact get rid of those 2 variables. Sorry if i'm asking a lot, Im a beginner.

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