i'm still very new at this, and i found this code that could help me on my project. but i can't quite get the logic behind it. the code is like this :

void main()
  int n  , i ;
  int stk[15] , top = 0;
  printf("Enter the number :");
  scanf("%d" , &n);
  while( n > 0 )
        i = n % 10;
        stk[++top] = i;
        n = n / 10;

  while(top)printf("%d " , stk[top--]);
so basically, that program will seperates number into it's individual digits.
the stuff that i don't quite get is this :

- why using a loop ? can it be solve by logical if ?
- why the code is not working if i 'change stk[++top] = i' into 'stk[top++] = i'
- what is the meaning of "while(top)printf("%d " , stk[top--])" ? i mean why use 'while' ? and why you use 'top--' ?

that is all. thx !