For this, it is supposed to read in the answers entered by the user and compare it to the array containing the correct answers. It reads them in, but I can't get it to compare in the QuestonsCorrect function. Any help is greatly appreciated!

#include <iostream>                 // include standard I/O library
#include <string>                   // include C++ string class handling
#include <iomanip>					// include input/output function
#include <cmath>					// include C++ math function
#include <cstdlib>					// include standard utilities
using namespace std;

/* ========================================================================== */
const int NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS = 20;
const int CORRECT_TO_PASS = 15;
int numCorrect = 0;
int numIncorrect = 0;

/* ========================================================================== */
void PrintIntro();
int AskForScores();
void QuestionsCorrect();
void PassExam ();
void QuestionList();
void PrintClosing();
/* ========================================================================== */

typedef char Answers [NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS];

int main ()							//begin main function
	int correctAnswer [NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS];
	//Answers correct[] = {"BDAACABACDBCDCCBDA"};
	char correct[] = {"BDAACABACDBCDCCBDA"};



void PrintIntro()
/* print an overall output title for program; print overall title for output
   set width of each line*/
	cout << setw (47) << "====================================="  <<  endl;
	cout << setw (40) << "DMV Driver's License Exam" << endl;
	cout << setw (47) << "====================================="  <<  endl 
		<< endl;

int AskForScores()
int i;
char answerChoices[NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS];

for (i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS; i++)
		cout << "Please enter answer " << i+1 << " in CAPITAL LETTERS." << endl;
		cin >> answerChoices[i];

		while (answerChoices[i] < 'A' || answerChoices[i] > 'D') 
			cout << "Invalid input. Please re-enter answer" << i+1 << " in CAPITAL LETTERS." << endl;
			cin >> answerChoices[i];

cout << answerChoices << endl;
return 0;
int QuestionsCorrect (char answerChoices[], char i, char correct[])
for(int i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_ANSWERS; i++)
            if ( (answerChoices,correct,i) == false )
                 cout << "Answer " << i + 1 << " is incorrect."; 
    return 0; 

void PassExam()

	cout << " You answered " << numCorrect << " questions correctly and " 
		<< numIncorrect << " questions incorrectly." << endl << endl;

	if (numCorrect >= CORRECT_TO_PASS)
			cout << "Congratulations! You passed the driving exam!" << endl << endl;
			cout << "We're sorry, but you have not passed the driving exam." << endl << endl;


void QuestionList()

	cout << "Please review the questions below so that you are able to pass the exam next time." << endl << endl;


void PrintClosing()
	cout << "This is the end of the DMV Driving Exam. Goodbye!!" << endl;