you very quick to reply, wow

basically yes, my example above is actually just a simplified example, i will probably not have a global struct for vertices, but will try have a global struct for a object type which will encompass instances of properties that make up that object,

so a global struct for object which contains perhaps other struct instances for vertices, faces etc. i learnt how to use linked lists about two weeks ago, and these will definitely come in handy.

in php i would normally use a class object, and if i use c++ i could do that too, but at this point i first want to get a foundation in c programming then i will begin to learn more about c++.

i started off my opengl programming in very inconvenient ways using single variables and arrays to learn things, as it was easier at the time, and i could learn how things work in opengl without knowing all about c program structure, however now i am trying to take what i have learned about opengl so far, and build it into a more acceptable and convenient program structure, so i spend my spare hours learning about c stuff.

thanks again.