OK, so let's try to fix this thing so we can actually merge the two articles.
First, I'll list Mario's suggestion's first, as best I can:

Suggestion #1
You can't advertise "choose one, be consistent" but then advocate just one style throughout your article. It's one thing to write code, it's another to write code to demonstrate how you should indent. In that context it is definitely best to take the opportunity to show the reader different formating styles. Not just one.
Suggestion #2
People don't really need to be taught how to indent. They know how to operate the tab key. They understand the visual significance of properly indenting code as soon as you explain it to them in one or two paragraphs and give some examples. It's a darn damn easy concept to grasp! More so because they experience indenting concepts it even before having any kind of programming education. They did it all the time at school ranging from math class to accounting and physics. They even do it all the time when adding bulleted lists to a word document. They need instead to be directed towards concepts such as "why is it important", "choose your own, be consistent", and "here's a few different indenting styles".
Suggestion #3
You can't force people to choices. You can't for instance tell them they should use tabs instead of spaces, or they should only do indent+1 at every new level. Those that don't agree with you, are coming from a programming background, and are just now learning C/C++, will strongly disregard and reject your whole article. They know better that indenting is mostly about taste and they will take you for a newbie because you don't advertise that.
Suggestion #4
Never ever treat your readers as being stupid! When I started in programming your were probably not even born, I'll take offense. Conversely, when you started programming your lack of knowledge didn't make you stupid. It made you smart.
Suggestion #5
Finally, an article is not going to save the world. No matter how well it is written, you will never achieve any visible results. Keep that in mind when writing them and especially when being so draconian about such simple issues as indentation.
As to these, my current draft at least addresses complaint number 3. I have tried to rewrite it be neutral in ways of coding styles, explaining that they are a good thing and that programmers should try to adopt to their own style. Then it goes on to recommend coding style practices which makes the code more readable.
I also revised the code a little to remove some examples that seemed to "silly," as in perhaps they were making the readers look dumb. I don't think the rest are so low, though. I always like examples because they make your point go across. It's much easier to see an example after reading to actually understand what the heck it's on about.

For complaint nr 1, I have rewritten the code not to promote one coding style, and although the article uses the allman coding style, it does show examples using the "4 big" styles as listed on the page linked to me some time ago. I don't know if I can be clearer than that? Might mixing coding styles actually be a good thing in here? I don't know if using one coding style in one example and another in another might be such a good idea...

As for complaint 2... well, some do not understand indentation properly, and even seeing and understanding what it is, they don't actually understand how to do it so that it looks good, which is why I've opted to put out some guidelines of general coding styles.

And as for complaint 5, I can only say that teaching people to indent properly helps them as they help us. Maybe it should be seen as "strict" as it should be, but merely more like a suggestion. I'm trying to change my posts so it looks a little more that way nowmore. But I still believe indentation and coding styles are important, and they make it so much easier for me, and probably others, too, who actually reads the code others post.
I've seen some big messy code and some very clean, nice code. And I do prefer the clean code. I wish everyone could write such clean code. And I will continue to suggest, and to try, to make people at least try to write such beautiful, clean code. Programming is an art, after all.

Any critiques, suggestions or complains are, of course, welcome. And examples of where there are problems helps big time. And if there would also be an example of what to change the text into, that would help even more.
Let's all make this work so we can close this issue, shall we?

Link to draft, for those who don't know: