Remember the old Nintendo Power magazines? weren't they great?

I remember that I used to subscribe to the magazine called "Game Informer" as a kid. At this point in time, the 16-bit consoles had been out for a few years, and the new 32-bit consoles (that very brief period before 64-bit came into play) were coming into the market.

A concerned subscriber wrote to "Game Informer", saying that he was concerned about the trends in the market. Everybody was going for the new 32-bit consoles, and most gaming magazines were abandoning the 16-bit consoles in order to cover the news on the 32-bit ones. This concerned subscriber asked "Game Informer" to please not move away from the 16-bit consoles, because they were his favorite.

The editor of "Game Informer" responded in the magazine, saying: "We will never abandon those 16-bit jewels."

ha....right....that was a short lived "never"....