I have been taking gen ed courses at a couple of different colleges the last year and a half, and have finally decided that I definitely want to go into programming, specifically gaming related. I want to major in comp sci, and I had planned on going to OU, Oklahoma University, because it's not far from my previous college and all my friends, and it is where I had originally planned on going anyway. After checking into things a bit more, I found that OU's computer science degree goes through the engineering department. Some people I know told me that it might involve a lot more math and engineering related courses than I would need(or want), and I might want to look in to a school that has a computer science degree going through a science department. I honestly don't know what to do in this regard, so I am asking to see if there is anyone who does game programming that got a computer science degree that could tell me if I'd be good with the engineering based degree, or if I should find some other school.