I have programmed for many years now, and last few months i have just lost will to do it. I had enthysiasm and dreams to make games and learn OpenGL, classes, pointers, ... I'm rather young ( 17 years ), but that doesn't limit my knowledge. And now when i get to the computer ( and that's rarely ) and try to programm, i just loose will, it gets boring. Like i know all that i can, and there isn't anything left to learn. I started to forget all that i knew, i knew to work in Blender, i knew just about every glFunction. And now it's all gone, i'm falling down the endless hole. It's all forgot.

And not only that i don't do programming, I don't play games - can you imagine that ... it's not 'cause they're expansive ( i can get them illegaly ) it's for some other reason. I don't do anything on my computer anymore, except play music sometimes. I started to play soccer, and that's all i do for whole day. I also started to think about life, And i also noticed that it isn't too late to change my interests. Have you ever felt this way? This ain’t no technological breakdown! Oh no, this is the road to hell!

Imagine how was it before ... when you didn't lived your life in World of Warcraft, you lived it in reality. So i choose to forget all that i have learned, turn my back on computers, and face the reality. It's not that i want to do so, it came naturally...

So i gues this is my last topic, what do you think about this?