Ubuntu looked good until the release notes said that 256 MB RAM and 3 gig HD space to install...hahahahahahahaha.

I was focused on the "minimalist" distributions listed at linux.org since the HD is so small and RAM so limited. I'm downloading the .iso(s) for Slackware now, but I'm relatively certain it's not going to fly, since the larger distros haven't worked as yet. The few that I tried booted/ran s...o........s...l...o...w...l...y which I attributed to low RAM and slow CD ROM, since I was booting from there. I don't know if that's a correct assumption; what the hell do I know? (hint: not very much).

Which brings me to Damn Small Linux. I thought it looked good from it's description, and saw in his sig that Wraithan used it. No g++, though, so at first I looked elsewhere. I just downloaded the CD and booted it up. After a bit of working around with the boot command, I got it to work right and holy ........ it runs fast!

For now, that's what I'm going with. Now I have to get g++ & gdb. I have it on my SuSE box, but since DSL is a Knoppix-based distribution, I can't just move it there, right? Wraithan, I see that you use the GNU compiler collection on your DSL box, how did you get it?

All this looking around at different distribtions has been a lot of fun. I have an old Compaq in the basement I'm going to bring up and make useful again, too. I'll have to wait until I get another KVM cable, though. (definition: KVM switch: an excellent way to save your marriage by not taking over the entire guest room with computers.)

Witness! A convert in the making!

Thanks to all for the help; I really appreciate everyone's input.