I bout my 360 for $399.99 with a couple of games. a 600.00 xbox is just a result of a free market and/or greedy store managers (some of which were repremanded by their Retailers) . Not only did PS3's press conference fail to be enthusiastic over their own product, introducing more cgi, less information about their most important draws (oh, singstar...singstore...how much will it cost?), and a nice finisher by announcing the price right before everyone leaves was not a good "start", to think, with even less information they managed to do better last year. The controller and Heavenly sword I give a bit of props to, though I think the dual shock has the worst analogue stick placement with the controller design.

Not to mention the "tard pack" (499 version) will not have HDMI out, memory stick capability, or Wifi Access. They have a bass ackwards approach to giving gamers a choice, because while allowing gamers to choose, they eliminate the ability to upgrade.

And people will still fall in love with sony, I think I'll just buy a ps3 when it drops and get a few games.