Hi folks,

I used to frequent these boards more often with my hopelessly inept questions in regards to C, but I wanted to come in and see if I could point some of your gaming community towards a Petition which hopes to draw attention to the Abandonware issue, and maybe get the publishers to loosen their grip on copyright held on classic games of yester year.

An article here explains the thought behind the petition


and the petition itself is held here


Some people may think that old games aren't worth the trouble, they won't have the cutting edge graphics of modern games and may be difficult to get running. However the key to this is we'd like you to get a chance to see these games. To download them legally and get to see for yourself why they're considered classics. But unless the publishers release their death-grip on the copyright of games they never plan to publish again, you'll never get to make that decision yourself.

So do us both a favour. Read the article and if it makes sense to you sign the petition.

Could people also spread this around please... the more people it reaches the larger the petition and the more chance it will have some effect.
