So I've got yet another wacky idea bouncing around my head and figured I'd see if I could get anyone else interested in working with it also. Basically what I've done is set up a Wiki on my website ( that I am hoping to make in to a tutorial website, wiki-based. Having a tutorial site as a wiki should hopefully allow tutorials to not only be added and created freely, but to be tweaked and updated by anyone who visits them (so theoretically they would get closer and closer to a "perfect" tutorial).

So far I've only gotten one tutorial added to the Wiki, Dual Boot with WinXP and SuSE linux, but I will be adding more as time progresses. If anyone would like to help out on this project (maybe just add a few of their own tutorials) that would be a great help in getting this thing rolling.

There are a few things to take note of that I've already thought about:

1) Since it's a wiki, people can edit it freely, so I understand some people won't like the idea of using the Wiki for tutorials and having people openly change your tutorials. I think, however, that the premise of the Wiki in that it allows unlimited fine-tuning of articles should make any tutorial better over time.
2) This is a startup project on my part, so at this point it's not terribly large, but I would really like to see it expand. Using this wiki software, I hope to quicken the writing process of articles and also present a much easier method of organizing the information. Who knows if this project will last a year, a month, or even a week, but it will definitely be a learning experience regardless.

Thanks in advance.