Ummmm... so many problems with this....

First off, I SERIOUSLY doubt we are allowed to help you on a test. Nobody here is going to help you cheat.

Second, the question says to list the data types, scope and storage, you ask us to define all of these things and point them out in the code, then say you aren't asking us to do it for you?? Thats exactly what you just asked so hell yeah I'm going to accuse you of asking us to do it for you!

Sorry, this is obviously an end of the semester test, if by now you don't know these simple programming concepts we aren't going to help you pretend to the teacher that you do.
If your teacher says "You can use any resource: your C++ book, the internet, anything, just as long as you don't talk to each other", then using the internet as a source isn't cheating, is it?

Maybe if you wanted to be anal-retentive, you COULD technically classify posting a question on the forums as talking. But, you guys aren't in this class. You aren't in the same room. Therefore, I'm NOT "sharing answers" between students. I'm simply using the internet as a resource. If I found an article on a C++ tutorial site that covers all of the things I asked you (storage duration, variable type, scope), then wouldn't that be "cheating" by your definition as well? only difference is there is no active communication.

Ok, whatever. I'm used to people giving me flak on forums. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was born stupid. I'm sorry I didn't have a high enough G.P.A (or the money) to go to a REAL college with REAL teachers who teach you things (as opposed to community college teachers who point at the board, scribble things that don't have much to do with what you're learning, and mumble incoherently). I'm sorry that I have A.D.D. and I can't wholeheartedly 110% focus all of my attention to my classwork or studies like the blessed majority of you can. I'm sorry that I can't afford Ritalin, and that i have to use the crappy generic "Methylphenedat" as a poor substitiute. I'm sorry for trying to make you guys violate the forum rules and CHEAT for me.

I'm sorry for the troble in Iraq. i'm sure Osama saw me asking for help on another forum at another time and said "That All*h d*mned capitalist pig whitey! How dare he ask people to do his work for him! Just for that, America will get 2 747 planes up the rear end!"

I'm sorry for cancer. I'm sure that came from when I asked people on the Jinx forums how to hack into my school network. I'm sorry for sin..I'm sure that came from when I was on the volkswagen forums and i said that the Ible air stabilizer valve pumped fuel into the engine, which was bull crockery. I'm sorry for all the times I complained about being locked by mods. I 190,020% deserved each and every one of those lockings.

Speaking of which, I'll wager that this post doesn't survive for more than 30 minutes. It's a waste of time and it doesn't belong here.

While you're at it, ban me. I don't deserve to ask for help.

k. i'm done. I'm ready to be booted.