I don't know how much response this'll get on a board where most people are either a) not American and b) not old enough to drink, but I'm posting this everywhere else, so you guys get it, too.


That's right, friends. July is the month where we come out and celebrate good ol' American made brews. I realize some of you can only think Miller, Coors, and Budweiser when you think of American beers, but that couldn't be further from the truth. There are craft breweries all over the country making beer that rivals brew from anywhere in the world, and they're doing it using innovative techniques that improve the process. Some foreign brews (Germany, I'm looking at you and your Reinheitsgebot) have restrictive rules imposed on them that limit the way they can be made and what ingredients they can contain. Here in the Land of the Free, our brewers can add whatever they see fit, giving a truly outstanding selection of every type of beer (except maybe trappists, but we can't really get that without annexing Belgium).

If you're having a hard time deciding where to go to pick up some new beer, head on over to BeerAdvocate and use their tools to find whatever you want.