My CSC 240 Course--Intro to diff programming languages just started LISP via DrScheme. Our teacher gave us the task of creating a "game". Of course the teacher was expecting a very very simple text based kind of "guess a number" higher or lower kind of game. But me, the over acheiving slacky (I forget to do boring assignments) have surpassed the teachers greatest expectations.

This truly is proof that any good programmer--that really understands logic of programming--can code in any language with merely a syntax reference. I made this game completly from scratch, refering to the manual for function calls to windows api. This truly is my FIRST lisp program, and second LISP function. (A function can be a program, in a way kinda is anyway). My first was the inclass tutorial to make a fib recursive function.

You can run it in DrSchme -> select language -> mrEd.
Or you can just view the screen shot.

Obviously its a Snakes clone, but a good one.
;; Snake Game in windows VIA DrScheme && MrEd
;; Author: Jeremy Giberson
;; References: Online Documentation
;; Game Reference: None, Original - ground up 
(define (SNAKES)
;; Window and Canvas implimentation extracted and modified from online documentation
;; Make a 340 × 200 canvas
(define frame (instantiate frame% ("Nibbles - Dr Scheme Project") (width 340) (height 218) (min-width 340) (min-height 218) (stretchable-width #f) (stretchable-height #f)))
;; message area
(define msg (instantiate message% ("Nibbles the Snakes Clone" frame)))
(define my-canvas%
  (class canvas% ; The base class is canvas%
    ;; Declare overrides:
    ;(override on-event on-char)
    (override on-char)
    ;; Define overriding method to handle mouse events
    ;(define on-event (lambda (event) (getInput event)))
    ;; Define overriding method to handle keyboard events
    (define on-char (lambda (event) (getInput event)))
    ;; Call the superclass initialization (and pass on all init args)
    (super-instantiate ())))

     ;; Make a canvas that handles events in the frame
     (define canvas (instantiate my-canvas% (frame)))

;; Get the canvas's drawing context
(define dc (send canvas get-dc))

;; Make some pens and brushes
(define no-pen (instantiate pen% ("BLACK" 1 'transparent)))
(define no-brush (instantiate brush% ("BLACK" 'transparent)))
(define black-pen (instantiate pen% ("BLACK" 1 'solid)))
(define blue-brush (instantiate brush% ("BLUE" 'solid)))
(define yellow-brush (instantiate brush% ("YELLOW" 'solid)))
(define yellow-pen (instantiate pen% ("LIGHTGREY" 1 'solid)))
(define red-pen (instantiate pen% ("RED" 2 'solid)))
(define red-brush (instantiate brush% ("RED" 'solid)))
(define white-brush (instantiate brush% ("WHITE" 'solid)))

;; game structures
     (define-struct posn (x y))  ;; Recomended Structure for points
     ;; Define a structure that has a position variable, and next structure pointer
     (define-struct segment (position next isnextnull))

;; game global variables
     (define SNAKE_HEAD (make-segment (make-posn 30 20) 0 1))
     (define BLOCKSIZE 10)
     (define INITIALIZED #f)
     (define DIRECTION 1) ; 0 = north, 1 = east, 2 = south, 3 = west
     (define SCORE 0)
     (define APPLE (make-posn (* 18 10) (* 3 10)))

;; Append segment function
;; recursively returns a new segment definition, used with set! command to redefine iniitial head node
(define (appendSeg thisSeg position) ;; needs head segment above it, and what is to become this segment
     [(= (segment-isnextnull thisSeg) 0) (make-segment (segment-position thisSeg) (appendSeg (segment-next thisSeg) position) 0)] ;; is next pointer null?
     [else (make-segment (segment-position thisSeg) (make-segment position 0 1) 0)] ;; it was

;; Shuffle segment 
;; recursively returns a new segment definition where each next seg has the previous's position
(define (shuffleSeg thisSeg position)
     [(= (segment-isnextnull thisSeg) 0) (make-segment position (shuffleSeg (segment-next thisSeg) (segment-position thisSeg)) 0)] ;; is next pointer null?
     [else (make-segment position 0 1)] ;; it was

;; Get Tail Segment
;; retrieve the position value of tail segment in list
(define (getTailSeg thisSeg)
    [(= (segment-isnextnull thisSeg) 0) (getTailSeg (segment-next thisSeg))]
    [else (segment-position thisSeg)]

;;prints an individual segment's position x value
(define (printSeg aSegment)
  (newline)(display "Position (x, y): (")
  (display (posn-x (segment-position aSegment)))(display ", ")
  (display (posn-y (segment-position aSegment)))(display ")")

;; Display segment list function
(define (displaySeg thisSeg) ;; needs head segment above it, and what is to become this segment
  (printSeg thisSeg)
     [(= (segment-isnextnull thisSeg) 0) (displaySeg (segment-next thisSeg))] ;; is next pointer null?

;; Render individual segment
(define (renderSeg aDc aSegment)
     ;(printSeg aSegment)
     (send aDc draw-rectangle (posn-x (segment-position aSegment)) (posn-y (segment-position aSegment)) BLOCKSIZE BLOCKSIZE)         
;; Render segment list
(define (renderSegList aDc thisSeg)
  [renderSeg aDc thisSeg]
     [(= (segment-isnextnull thisSeg) 0) (renderSegList aDc (segment-next thisSeg))]

;; Render apple
(define (renderApple aDc position)
     (send aDc draw-rectangle (posn-x position) (posn-y position) BLOCKSIZE BLOCKSIZE)         

;; Kindof a debug function
;; nice place to test list functionality
(define (TestListFunction)
    (set! SNAKE_HEAD (appendSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn 20 20)))
    (set! SNAKE_HEAD (appendSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn 30 20)))
    (set! SNAKE_HEAD (appendSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn 40 20)))
   ; (displaySeg SNAKE_HEAD)
    (set! SNAKE_HEAD (shuffleSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn 10 10)))
   ; (displaySeg SNAKE_HEAD)
   (send dc set-brush blue-brush) 
   (renderSegList (send canvas get-dc) SNAKE_HEAD)

(define (renderGame dc)
  (send dc clear) ; clear the screen to white
  ;; start rendering the field
  (send dc set-pen yellow-pen)
  (do ((y 0))
       ((> y 20))
            (send dc draw-line 0 (* y 10) 340 (* y 10))
       (set! y (+ y 1));; loop until the frame is closed
  (do ((x 0))
       ((> x 34))
            (send dc draw-line (* x 10) 0 (* x 10) 200)
       (set! x (+ x 1));; loop until the frame is closed
  ;; render the apple
  (send dc set-brush red-brush)
  (renderApple dc APPLE)
  (send dc set-brush blue-brush)
  (send dc set-pen black-pen)
  (renderSegList dc SNAKE_HEAD) ;; render the snake

;; isCollision boolean
;; detects if snake head has hit an object, apple obstacle
(define (isCollision headSeg position)
    [and (= (posn-x (segment-position headSeg)) (posn-x position)) (= (posn-y (segment-position headSeg)) (posn-y position))]

;; getInput 
;; handles game input-controlling snake
(define (getInput event)
    [(symbol? (send event get-key-code))
               [(string=? (symbol->string (send event get-key-code)) (symbol->string 'left))  (turnSnake 3)];(newline)(display "Key Press: left")]
               [(string=? (symbol->string (send event get-key-code)) (symbol->string 'right)) (turnSnake 1)];(newline)(display "Key Press: right")]
               [(string=? (symbol->string (send event get-key-code)) (symbol->string 'up))    (turnSnake 0)];(newline)(display "Key Press: up")]
               [(string=? (symbol->string (send event get-key-code)) (symbol->string 'down))  (turnSnake 2)];(newline)(display "Key Press: down")]
    [(char? (send event get-key-code)) (display "key press: some key")]
   ;;(display "Key event happend")

;; turnSnake
;; decides if the snake can turn to a direction
(define (turnSnake dir)
    [(and (or (= dir 0) (= dir 2)) (or (= DIRECTION 1) (= DIRECTION 3))) (set! DIRECTION dir)]
    [(and (or (= dir 1) (= dir 3)) (or (= DIRECTION 0) (= DIRECTION 2))) (set! DIRECTION dir)]


;; moveSnake
;; moves snake to a new position based on direction
(define (moveSnake)
    [(= DIRECTION 0) (set! SNAKE_HEAD (shuffleSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn (posn-x (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) (+ (posn-y (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) -10))))]
    [(= DIRECTION 1) (set! SNAKE_HEAD (shuffleSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn (+ (posn-x (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) 10) (posn-y (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)))))]
    [(= DIRECTION 2) (set! SNAKE_HEAD (shuffleSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn (posn-x (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) (+ (posn-y (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) 10))))]
    [(= DIRECTION 3) (set! SNAKE_HEAD (shuffleSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn (+ (posn-x (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) -10) (posn-y (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)))))]

;; hasDied boolean
;; runs several collision detection functions, and returns #t if hit some sort of bound
;; and #f is you are still ok
(define (hasDied)
    [(> (posn-x (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) 330) #t]
    [(< (posn-x (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) 0) #t]
    [(> (posn-y (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) 190) #t]
    [(< (posn-y (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) 0) #t]
    [(isCollisionSeg (segment-next SNAKE_HEAD)) (newline)(display "Hah! What kind of worm eats itself?") #t]
    [else #f]

;; isCollisionSeg boolean
;; checks that head hasn't collided with the body segments
(define (isCollisionSeg checkSeg)
    [(and (= (posn-x (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) (posn-x (segment-position checkSeg))) 
          (= (posn-y (segment-position SNAKE_HEAD)) (posn-y (segment-position checkSeg))))
    [(= (segment-isnextnull checkSeg) 0) (isCollisionSeg (segment-next checkSeg))]
    [else #f]

;; main program
;; create window with drawing canvas
;; then enter the main game loop
(define (main)
    (define (lastPos)(make-posn 0 0))
    (set! SNAKE_HEAD (make-segment (make-posn 30 20) 0 1))
    (set! SNAKE_HEAD (appendSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn 20 20)))
    (set! SNAKE_HEAD (appendSeg SNAKE_HEAD (make-posn 10 20)))

    (do ((STOP 0))
       ((= STOP 1))
       ;; .. start game functions
       ;(display "Looping")
            (set! lastPos (getTailSeg SNAKE_HEAD)) ; get current tail position incase we add a segment
            (moveSnake) ; change snake position
            (renderGame dc) ; draw board, apple and snake
            (cond [(isCollision SNAKE_HEAD APPLE) (set! SNAKE_HEAD (appendSeg SNAKE_HEAD lastPos)) (newline)(display "Ate an Apple!") (set! SCORE (+ SCORE 40))]) ; if you hit an apple, grow
       (send msg set-label (string-append "Points:" (number->string SCORE)))
       (set! SCORE (+ SCORE 1));; one point for every round you are alive
       (sleep/yield .15);; allow time for events to happen
       ;; .. end game functions
       (cond [(or (not (send frame is-shown?)) (hasDied)) (set! STOP 1)]);; loop until the frame is closed
    (newline)(display "Score: ")(display SCORE)
      [(< SCORE 399) (display " Kinda pathetic, don't ya think?")]
      [(< SCORE 400) (display " Hey, looks like you learned the game.")]
      [(< SCORE 1400) (display " Gettin better, But my grandma is still better then you.")]
      [(< SCORE 2400) (display " Alright! Finally, Some competition has arrived.")]
      [(< SCORE 3400) (display " Hey, you're doing great!")]
      [(< SCORE 4000) (display " Seriously, Fantastic!")]
      [(< SCORE 8000) (display " You Win!")]
      [else (display " Holy, freakin, cow, dude--You are awsome")]

;; Show the frame
(send frame show #t) 
;; Wait a second to let the window get ready
(sleep/yield 1)

(send frame show #f)
You can get scheme (pretty darn small, incredibly fun) at
BTW, here was the MrED documentation i used for syntax reference

I'm working on creating a random kind of function to seed the apple position, but other then that, this game is done.