-Ken-, if being homosexual and gaining a legal homosexual marriage license is such a "natural" or "normal" thing to do (because some people are just born that way, so some say), why haven't you told your parents that you're gay?
that was dumb... but think about this: is marriage a 'natural' thing? no. animals do not get married. look at the facts... homosexuality is more natural than marriage itself.

Homosexuality may be a natural inclination for some, but it should not become institutionalized.
so what about women's rights and slavery? should we not allow them to vote and keep slavery? Just because you don't agree with them, why should they not be able to do what they want... what you're saying is "I don't agree with you, so you're wrong and I'm going to keep it illegal"

We have really strayed off topic as far as I can tell, since the actual issue is not homosexuality, it is about the government recognizing homosexuals as "married"
this was never about homosexuality in itself, it was wether or not it should be illegal for them to be married

not to turn this into a religious debate, but:
Personally, I do not follow any specific religion; however, I do believe that it would be ignorant to dismiss that there may be something(s) greater than ourselves in this universe and that these entities perhaps did influence the evolution of humanity.
I think it would be ignorant to follow a book solely on faith, when it's been proven wrong on most accounts...
The rules of religion are here to bring order.
the laws of the land are to bring order... the rules of religion have no specific meaning