I'm experiencing some frustration here! Learning on my own this is the only source of feedback I get. Missoula isn't exactly a hip town in the tech area. Though we are a collage town I am not a student and my friends are just gamers. No one is interested in programming and I feel alone. I'm working on this book inventory program and after finally getting my menu system partially implemented I am beginning to feel it isn't very good and I need some better ideas. I have a habit of not finishing programs, but want to stick with this one. I still have some major hurdles including file processing and implementing my query and edit options. About all it does now is allow me to enter books and display them pretty lame. Everytime I plan some program in my head it gets all twisted when I start writing it. I also wish I could get my output looking pretty and want to try some cgi forms but I think I should just work with the ugly console until my skills are a little better. Well that is my venting, I took a break and played UT 2003 for three hours at adept on the bomber run ladder. I finally forfieted the match leading with over 400 frags because it was a long frustrating stale mate. My hands where beginning to cramp. Maybe this is stupid but I feel like getting stoned and writing some code. This will probably not be very productive though.