how many times do i have to say it, it doesnt matter how much money you make as long as you make money. if a average person cant tell the difference between you and some ancient tribe or the egyptions thousand of year ago you shouldnt be any where near the un and you should shut up about this kind of stuff.

The difference between a child and an adult is the ability to moderate your behavior when it is unacceptable.
when ever some one dies agree to something and he a republican(or just not a democrat) hes enventually called a racists. it no surprise. insteed of trying to talk about it or just admint something they just pull out the race card and wonder why theres some many "racists". these people were right, a couple decades ago, now its just bull. if anything they have a advantage now which isnt right. if it cant be equal the people that are actually decendants of the people that founded the us should have a better deal. and of course, i know its coming again since somethings never change. to bad not alot of minorties step up, especialy since they dont like it much either.