So I got an Apache Web Server, installed it on my PC, and, though I've got a dynamically changing IP-address, my folder htdocs is accessible from the internet (what I see is an index.html page). I included some links on this index.html to various files (jpegs, htmls, ...). They work fine (though, I've got no idea how). But the link to a mdb file opens a dialog field: open/download. The download works fine, but clicking open leads to something like 'this server is not secure' and the browser denies to open it. I know that problems related to a Web Server have nothing to do with c++, so, can you recommend me a page with a forum for beginners to Web-hosting. (I've also heard that learning Perl can be of some use. As I am an absolute beginner to Web-hosting: What can Perl-scripts do?)