>FillYourBrain said: "I never bought a gun but as I understand it there are permits and background checks that must be done before purchase"

Not in all cases. Last I head (about a year ago), at gun shows no background check is required. You can walk in, buy the gun, and walk out.

>FillYourBran: "The thing about unequal distribution is that there isn't a fixed amount of wealth that has to be divided up"
...""Enough to go around" is a phrase that suggests that no more can be created "

Your taking a very oversimplified view of wealth. Think of wealth as resources. In this case there is a fixed amount of wealth to be divided up at any given time. Money is just a "token". It allows the purchase of resources -- limited resources. Economics is far more complicated than you seem to appreciate.

>..."Producers are those that CREATE wealth"

wealth is not create, it is acquired. Things are created. One can create things that acquire him/her wealth.

>The fact that America has so much is because we CREATED that wealth. We did not achieve it through conquest.

maybe not conquest but definitely by, to varying degrees, exploitation

>The rising of the wealthy can coincide with the rising of the wealth of the poor.

Yes it "can". But as history as shown (and is showing now) that Rising upper class mostly coincides with a lowering lowerclass.

>FillYourBrain: The world despises our success.

not really (for the most part). They despise how we use our success

>"Sickos" don't need guns to kill ...

Perhaps not. But guns make it much easier for someone to kill, and in large quantities. Guns take the "killing" out of killing. They remove the "closeness" that is required to kill with a knife or with ones bare hands. Our society is so desensitized to violence that for certain people "at the edge", it is much easier to kill from afar then to actually force the knife into someones flesh or to strangle the life out of someone. This requires a level of cold-heartedness far beyond killing from x feet away with a simple pull of a trigger.