You see it is simple...

I like MS products (hmmm XP) and can't understand why all the ppl on this board keep slating them..

Does no body except me think XP is a highly polished product?- granted ME was supposed to be, but was rushed out etc..

Does no 1 else think office XP is really NICE? And by NICE I mean useful, helpful and constructive etc.

I think it's because of Bill Gates, or is he just your scapegoat?

I think he deserves to be rich as he made a product that EVERY1 wanted at a time when there were very little other options....DOES this make him a BAD man? I think not.

If, to ease my mind, somebody can say why they dont like MS and its products in a sensible, unbiased way, I would be very grateful.

Not that I will use it at Uni or anything to make a nice

That aside, I am dismayed to find a great number of anti MS on here! TELL me why..........

I use XP, office XP, outlook, numerous games...UNI uses NT.