Originally posted by no-one
the "Big Bang" theory or any other non creationist theory leaves out one small point! THE BEGINNING. where did the matter or energy or anything come from to cause the bang?!!?!!!?!?!?!?!! um um huh... uh what.... you got any gum?... uh uh... you cookin beans?
I find that creationists are limited by their linear view on the universe, they view life as a beginning and death as an end... even though nothing is created and nothing is destroyed when you are born and die... So basically, imo, there is no beginning!

It's beyond human thought to accept that the universe has no beginning or end.

I laugh at "creation" as much as I laugh at "The Big Bang"... my most true beliefs on existence do go beyond words, though I have found that they lean in the direction of the Xen Bhuddists... but that's for another time....

does this mean I'm going to hell?