Originally posted by Deckard
... I like to make "air quotes" with my fingers anytime I use the word management
That'll surely annoy any member of management.

Or those one's that always make me imagine myself slamming my CPU against their head - the one's that always assure you that whatever happened to them is not your fault (like I give a damn).

Case in Point - Our commander was up for a promotion. Well he didn't get it and decided to retire. So he holds a Commanders Call for our squadron only to ensure us that his not getting his promotion had nothing to do with the squadron. DUH! At that point I just imained myself beating him senseless with my CPU and gouging (sp?) out his eyes with my ergonomically correct staple remover.

Glee Nazi's are bad too. Thanfully, there's only like 2 in my squadron so I don't have to worry about them too much. I usually just treaten them w/my liter of hot coffee and they tend to back off.