I just wanted to tell you folks of two very useful free programs.

First, there is a disk usage pie chart browser, called JDiskReport. I was cleaning up my hard drive to prepare for a backup (I want to set up a RAID for the first time!), and I found it. It's free, and it has useful views like histograms of file distributions, modified distributions, other stuff I haven't looked. Plus if you want to look at a given directories distribution, you can just right click it and it's like one of those menu items. It's quite cool.

Anyway no I don't work for them I genuinely think it's just awesome, I wish windows would integrate the feature in their explorer. =p

Second, for those of you working with graphs, graphViz.org has an awesome graph visualization tool that we use for research. It has a very simple syntax and lots of examples.

Anyways, have a nice day. Just wanted to share some useful information! =p