I have been doing software testing for about 4 years and I got laid off 6 months ago.The economy is not doing so well so it's almost impossible for me to find another job in QA right now.No matter.I hated QA and I hated feeling inferior to developers.It's not that they made me feel inferior, but I had that feeling of not being on the same level.Maybe that's why I am trying to become a developer.I have been learning C for the past 9 months but I still have so much to learn..btw, thanx to all the people who answer questions on this board cause it helps me a great deal.Here is my plan C -> C++ -> C#(maybe) or Java technologies since I could care less about Java as a language.I would gladly stick to just stick to C and C++ but al the employers require at least 3 languages + various databases.Any of you guys have any input as to how to shorten the learning path? When would be a good time to start working on a project to show your potential employers? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.Thanks.