View Poll Results: Who did you vote for?

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  • McCain

    8 30.77%
  • Obama

    12 46.15%
  • Third Party Candidate

    6 23.08%

Thread: Who did you vote for? (anonymous poll)

  1. #16
    Deprecated Dae's Avatar
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    Cheney endorsed McCain I cant believe he didn't win... I mean everybody loves Cheney.. except that guy he shot in the face >.<
    Warning: Have doubt in anything I post.

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  2. #17
    Hail to the king, baby. Akkernight's Avatar
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    Obama deserved to win... Havn't heard him talk, nor know what his intends are, but the started advertising in games! :O How cool is that? And he's the only president who isin't against rap and hip hop and all that :P
    And if he is better than other presidents, and doesn't think himself as a king, sitting on his chair in his white... Fortress! Then maybe American rulers will start thinking about other things than power...? that freedom fighting bull........ is a bit too brainwashed :P
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  3. #18
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    Obama knows how to dress himself, I'll say that - he was even in Esquire's list of best dressed men...I myself was supporting McCain (better said - I was supporting Sarah Palin, I'm not a huge McCain fan either)- but I'm getting pretty sick of people freaking out... I live in a pretty conservative area and this morning everybody's like, "Oh no! What are we gonna do?!" and I'm like, "if you really think the world is about to end - you can buy a gun and a bunch of food and lock yourself in your house". Problem is, most of them can't buy guns because the majority of the housing business don't allow firearms on their premises here. So who's a bigger deal? Your landlord? Or your President? I don't hear people here make such a big deal about landlords they don't like...

    I find that if you just don't even worry about it, everything's fine. I don't listen to the media much and I hang out with really dumb people (you can count on dumb people to not watch the news or listen to NPR). Since I can't vote anyway - it makes me a much happier person - politics is a messy business.

    edit: I think McCain gave a very gracious losing-speech - I wish all my fellow McCain supporters in my town would follow suit...

  4. #19
    Hail to the king, baby. Akkernight's Avatar
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    For all I know, McCain wanted to continue the rubbish Iraq/Iran/some war :P one of those missiles costs thousands of dollars, and then people whine about where to get money for 'food for the hungry' stuff :P it's getting spent on useless stuff
    USA are on their way to rule the world... Dunno where the 'no one can rule the world' came from :P
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  5. #20
    (?<!re)tired Mario F.'s Avatar
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    Absolutely awesome night. An historical day and I'll definitely remember it for my lifetime.

    It's not only the fact USA elected the first black American president. It's also because America did it just 40 years after the Memphis Speech which is definitely and irrevocably the best display of democratic maturity the American society shown to the rest of the world who (including me) started to doubt and openly criticize.

    In fact, it's a major slap in the face of Europe who likes to criticize America for being openly racist when in fact we European are miles away. I wonder which European country would be ready to elect a black President or Prime Minister. It's almost ironic that we criticize America for the lack of something "we" don't want ourselves. In most countries in Europe where blacks are a significant minority of the population, there's not even one black man or woman in any important political seat or institution. In Portugal, blacks continue to be neo-segregated as they are in about every other country in Europe, most particularly France which is probably, along with Portugal, the two most embarrassing countries, considering their secular relationship with Africa.


    But the magic of this night was something else. It was not in American soil alone that this victory was celebrated. It was around the world. I truly felt for the first time in my life that a planetary president was being elected (a secret wish of mine that I won't probably see in my lifetime). In Europe, for the first time in history, a foreign country election process was being covered by every single country on national TV stations deep within the night. I myself was awake all the way till 6am, 1 hour after Obama's winning speech. I was glued to the TV set and my satellite remote flipping through foreign TV stations and is total amazement at was happening around the world. I couldn't believe it.

    A small village in Kenya was partying at 7am, a foreign president called for an holiday, Brazillians partying on the beech, UK pubs ripping through the seams, New Zealand dancing on the streets,... it was... unique! The man had landed on the moon again? It's the New Year?

    The looks of happiness from Japan, across Asia to Europe, Africa and South America was unthinkable. For that alone these elections were historical. But also a powerful message to Americans and the world. That we dare to hope again a more open and balanced America. A leader and not a despot hated by everyone else.


    Certainly not everybody was particularly happy. There's always the republicans, who understandably weren't particularly thrilled. But they should be. Or better yet, this is really their fault. Had they believed this particular man some years ago, and probably history had been written in completely different words.

    McCainn deserved a better story. But it was republicans and the republican voter who made it sure that story would never be told. And they did this 4 years ago. I hope they learned the lesson...


    In any case, my sincere congratulations to all Americans around the world. It was a magical night, one for the books. Certainly I don't expect one man to change the world. But the world was changed even if for a single night. And a new era of relationship between USA and the rest of the world is just starting. Who knows what it will bring...
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  6. #21
    Devil's Advocate SlyMaelstrom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mario F. View Post
    In fact, it's a major slap in the face of Europe who likes to criticize America for being openly racist when in fact we European are miles away.
    Oh come on... Europe wrote the book on hypocrisy.

    No nation in my opinion is more racist than France. However, I did date a Ukrainian girl who was pretty racist... so I'd say I need some more extensive research before I render that verdict. In any case... racism is just one of the hypocritical arguments Europe makes against the USA. Especially when you consider that most white Americans are only one or two generations from being European ourselves. ... and US History classes show that as much racism from the early 20th century came from Europeans right off the boat as it did from the Protestants who founded the nation.

    Anyway, good post, Mario.

    All that aside... I have to say this. The election was somewhat bitter-sweet to me only knowing the fact that it was won in a manner that I did not wish it to be. Whether the right decision was made or not, the fact was that it was made by a greatly uninformed group of people for some of the most superficial reasons I've witnessed. This goes for Americans and non-Americans alike, who followed this election. ... and it goes for the ill-informed Democrats and Republicans alike. These elections still boil down to popularity and misinformation and ignorance... more that it did perhaps in the last election. I'm not saying Obama isn't the right choice... I'm just saying that he might not have been selected for all the right reasons. I dunno... that's just my take.
    Last edited by SlyMaelstrom; 11-05-2008 at 09:44 AM.
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  7. #22
    Hail to the king, baby. Akkernight's Avatar
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    Well, about 2 -3 years ago it was legal to beat up and really torture blacks and homosexuals, in Faroe Iilands... But there was a law against being violent against humans :P also took awhile to get the new law in, 'cause some where against it :P
    Like, back then blacks got their faces almost scratched off, without the ones doing it, getting any punishment :/
    Well, it's also worse to kill a sheep here than to kill a human :P they havn't changed the old law, like really old, so killing a sheep gives a lifetime, killing a human gives 25 years, or is supposed to... Yes, we are a bit corrupt
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  8. #23
    Malum in se abachler's Avatar
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    McCain was endorsed by the worst president in americn istory, thats why obama won, the dems could have run Nixon on their ticket ith Hitler as a runnig mate and still won.

  9. #24
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Let's check out some conservative blogs and bask in schadenfruede.

    First, some comments on
    Speaking of Obama...

    This freak is a illegal fundraising, ACRON vote stealing, gansta thug. He stole this thing and should be frog-marched from his slum-lord Rezko bought home. I wish him and his ilk nothing but to rot in a Kenyan jail. "They bring a knife, we bring a gun." Wake up you pansies, you've been took. This man deserves no respect and nothing but scorn. When the terrorists come, I only hope is agrees to meet with them unconditionally.
    This nation in effect sold its soul to Satan tonight, and forfeited any right it has to survival. There really is no longer an America, the only question is how long to we have before we lose all of our rights, something that is now inevitable.
    There will be enemies who attempt to take advantage of their new-found "friend" in the oval office.
    I have taken down my American flag which has flown continually since 9/11. My fellow Americans elected a president who is a muslim-prayer-chanting, baby-killing, domestic-terrorist-sympathizing, gay-rights-loving, America-hating, racist, marxist, liar, and snake.
    Our liberal public education system has been indoctrinating our kids for generations with the kind of vapid socialism that Obama preaches. What we saw tonight was the culmination of socialist teaching in our public education system finally paying off for the Democratic party. I don't see this trend changing any time soon.
    The only real question is how long it will be before what we believe is criminalized and we are rounded up.
    NATION ELECTS FIRST AFFIRMATIVE ACTION BLACK PRESIDENT--we all know that Barack isn't qualified compared to the next dozen white guys (and Sarah Palin), but hey, what do you expect from black people?
    Obama Pwned us...

    Speaking of McCain...

    You were among the amnesty supporters. It bit you on the butt. Good riddance to you.

    He was your candidate, he fought for you. He gave you Palin, which was a bad choice but was exactly what you wanted. So show some respect, douche.

    Now let's check Free Republic...
    Bring it on, God! America says you aint got nothin'! We'll keep killing babies in abortion mills. Hell, we'll vote for a president that supports killing babies who've already been born and drawn their first breaths. How dare those little punks selfishly try to survive and force their mommas to "revisit their decision" to kill their babies in the first place. Nothing worse than a kid who doesn't know his or her place - especially when that place is to die. That bother you, God? Tough!
    Tens of millions of people sold their souls for silver.
    At this point, only a revolution ala 1776 can restore America, but we know that won’t happen (we long ago lost the spirit that created this once-great country). So I say bring on the asteroid, the genetically-engineered doomsday plague, or the terrorists’ nuclear Pearl Harbor. Who cares any more?
    Thanks alot [W. Bush] you traitor! You aided this commie Obama with your bullsh!t about bailing out Wall Street. Now you kiss his a$$ just like kissed Pelosi's a$$ when the Dems. punked you in 2006.
    Any takers on when we'll have to take up arms against the regime? Or against another regime? All this talk about politics is a waste of time people. We past that point years ago. It's fight or flight time, and by "fight" I don't mean going to a ballot box that won't be there.

    Expect a visit from the Secret Service...

    Now let's look at what Pam, the crazy Objectivist at Atlas Shrug, has to say...

    But we are a long way from surrender. The battle is over, the war begins. The United States government now falls into the hands of the enemies of this country and civilization for a time or forever. And that is part of what the war is about. The country has been in the hands of people we disagreed with, but never in the hands of people whose views are as diametrically opposed to ours as anything in the Third Reich or the Kremlin.

    For my own part I do not recognize Obama as my President, nor will I refer to him as such. He has no legal right to serve in office nor has he won a legal election.
    Ok ... don't forget to wear your tin foil hat! Electing anyone with darker skin than a tan seems to have caused a crapstorm, and conservative blogs are imploding on themselves.

  10. #25
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    >> Anyway, good post, Mario.
    I agree.

    This was an historic election because collectively the American voters judged Obama not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.

    And make no mistake, the content of his character is why he won the election. There were many instances where American voters made up their minds on both sides for other reasons - reasons that you might not consider to be pertinent to a person's ability to govern and reasons stemming from the luck of running against the party of one of the wort Presidents ever - but the huge level of support he garnered was rooted in his temperament, his principles and his ideas. America and the world are not only celebrating because a black man has won the United States presidency, but because there is hope that a great man has won the United States presidency.

  11. #26
    Hail to the king, baby. Akkernight's Avatar
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    Those words you said about Obama, citizen, where a bit racist :P even tho he's black doesn't mean he's a gangster or any of that :P and if he did any such thing, doesn't mean he can't change
    But if you want America's military to grow and take over the world, Obama is not the one for that... If he keeps his words, which were to take the military back home, right?
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  12. #27
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Read again, these are not things I've said, but things other people have posted on the Internet without any shame. And they're voters. *shudder*

  13. #28
    C++ Witch laserlight's Avatar
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    Akkernight, note that citizen was quoting other people.
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  14. #29
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    No nation in my opinion is more racist than France
    Now are we including African genocide in this? After all, it would be racist not to!

    Any takers on when we'll have to take up arms against the regime?
    These are the people I was talking about. Conservatives supported McCain because they believed his ideals would be the ones to best enable them to live their life with the wife and kids, and raise a family. Right? Well if we lost the election, getting everybody up in arms ISN'T going to help anybody raise their kids and live their life. Am I wrong? People just need to relax...

  15. #30
    Hail to the king, baby. Akkernight's Avatar
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    Sure.... :P I understood you as agreeing with them, sorry
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