Hello -

I've got a simple client and simple server setup going. Right now, my client uses send() twice: first to send a header, and then to send a request. I know that this functionality is working correctly (I'll explain later).

On the server side, I started simple; just had a while(1) loop accepting new connections and then recv()'ing the two send()'s. This worked just fine, and I could pull all the data that was sent and print it out to ensure it was correct.

However, to allow for multiple requests to be processed at once, I wanted to detach a new pthread for every connection I had incoming. So I did something like this:

void *processRequest (void* arg) {
   int socket = (int) arg;
   char buf1[100];
   recv(socket, buf1, 100, 0);
   char buf2[100];
   recv(socket, buf2, 100, 0);   // BLOCKS HERE
   // Do stuff with the buffers here.

int main() {
   // Set up socket stuff here
   pthread_attr_t attr;
   pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, 1024*1024);
   pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
   while(1) {
      int connection = accept(socket, null, null);
      pthread_t thread;
      pthread_create (&thread, &attr, processRequest, (void *) connection);
As noted in the comment in the code above, the program gets stuck in the second recv() call when I use pthreads. I've got no idea why. Does anyone have any suggestions?
