You can read this first if you want.

Download link:

I've decided to release a development release of my engine/editor project, Clockwork.

It's very unfinished, and the purpose of the development release is to allow people see and use Clockwork as I make changes and add new things, through the built-in web updater. Kind of like a closed-source SVN type thing.

I'd like to get as many people as possible to get this, and really just pick it apart. Do your best to make it break. I need to find all the bugs, and make as many improvments as possible.

You'll need .NET 2.0 installed on your system to get this to run. You'll also need a graphics card fully supporting OpenGL 2.0 (DX9 class hardware). Clockwork doesn't check for hardware support, so if it crashes even though you've eliminated all possible causes, check your graphics card model.

There's no project or world load/save yet. For testing purposes you can just create a new project and a new world and mess with that.

I've done my best to eliminate memory leaks, but it's unlikely that I got them all. I also don't gaurentee this to be overly stable (yet).

I'd appreciate it if bug reports and other issues could be made on the Clockwork forums. Any other comments and/or suggestions can go here if you want (although it's not like I can actually make any of you do anything ).

Quick controls (world editor):
WSAD = movement
left click+drag = translate selected object
middle click = select object
right click+drag = rotate view