hey guyz i have to make the following program:

Write a function to read and display the contents of names and marks. You then ask the user for a name and using the linear search return the index to the user. If -1 is returned then the name is not in the file. Otherwise write out the name and mark for that student.
Next, sort the arrays, write them out and then ask the user for a name to search for. This time use the binarySearch to return -1 or an index. Display the student’s name and mark if found.

The contents of names and marks are:

Collins Bill 80
Smith Bart 75
Allen Jim 82
Griffin Jim 55
Stamey Marty 90
Rose Geri 78
Taylor Terri 56
Johnson Jill 77
Allison Jeff 45
Looney Joe 89
Wolfe Bill 63
James Jean 72
Weaver Jim 77
Pore Bob 91
Rutherford Greg 42
Javens Renee 74
Harrison Rose 58
Setzer Cathy 93
Pike Gordon 48
Holland Beth 79

I have finished my program and it looks like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void selectionSort(string[], int[], int);
void displayData(const string[], const int[], int);
void getNames(ifstream& inStream, string[], int[], int);
int searchList(string list[], int numElems, string value);
int binarySearch(string list[], int size, string value);

const int numElems = 20;
const int NUM_NAME = 20;
int main ()


    string first_name[20];
    string last_name[20];
    string names[20];
    int marks[20];
    ifstream inStream;

	getNames(inStream, names, marks, NUM_NAME);
	displayData(names, marks, NUM_NAME);

    string value, fname, lname;
    cout<<"Please enter the name you would like to find: "<<endl;
    value = lname + " " + fname;

    int result1 = searchList(names, numElems, value);
    if (result1==-1)
        cout <<"Can not find the name!"<<endl;
        cout<<names[result1]<<" "<<marks[result1];

	selectionSort(names, marks, numElems);
	displayData(names, marks, NUM_NAME);

	cout<<"Please enter the name you would like to find: "<<endl;
    value = lname + " " + fname;

    int result2 = binarySearch(names, numElems, value);
    if (result2==-1)
        cout <<"Can not find the name!"<<endl;
        cout<<names[result2]<<" "<<marks[result2];

    return 0;

void getNames(ifstream& inStream, string names[], int marks[], int numElems)
	string fname[NUM_NAME];
	string lname[NUM_NAME];

    for(int i=0; i<numElems; i++)

	for(int i=0; i<numElems; i++)
        names[i] = lname[i] + " " + fname[i];

void displayData(const string names[] ,const int marks[], int numElems)
	for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
		cout<<names[i]<<" "<<marks[i]<<endl;
int searchList(string list[], int numElems, string value)
   int index = 0;      // Used as a subscript to search array
   int position = -1;  // To record position of search value
   bool found = false; // Flag to indicate if value was found

   while (index < numElems && !found)
      if (list[index] == value) // If the value is found
         found = true; // Set the flag
         position = index; // Record the value's subscript
      index++; // Go to the next element
   return position; // Return the position, or -1

void selectionSort(string names[], int marks[], int numElems)
    int startScan, minIndex;
	string minValue;
	int value;
    for (startScan = 0; startScan < (numElems - 1); startScan++)
       minIndex = startScan;
       minValue = names[startScan];
       for(int index = startScan + 1; index < numElems; index++)
          if (names[index] < minValue)
             minValue = names[index];
             minIndex = index;
	   value = marks[minIndex];
       names[minIndex] = names[startScan];
       names[startScan] = minValue;
	   marks[minIndex] = marks[startScan];
	   marks[startScan] = value;

int binarySearch(string list[], int size, string value)
   int first = 0,             // First list element
       last = size - 1,       // Last list element
       middle,                // Mid point of search
       position = -1;         // Position of search value
   bool found = false;        // Flag

   while (!found && first <= last)
      middle = (first + last) / 2;     // Calculate mid point
      if (list[middle] == value)      // If value is found at mid
         found = true;
         position = middle;
      else if (list[middle] > value)  // If value is in lower half
         last = middle - 1;
         first = middle + 1;           // If value is in upper half
   return position;
When i run this program it has no trouble compiling but it shows me random numbers. can u guyz plz tell me if i am something...or if i did something wrong....ty in advance.