Hi I am a beginner and just wrote a very small programme to calculate the circumference and area of a rectangle. The problem is when I compile the programme it just closes automatically in the end and I don't want it to close till I press enter. Here is the programme. The first time it calculate the circumference but when it reaches calculating the area, it just closes automatically after I enter the value for the width without showing the result. I used cin.get as you can see but it doesn't work.

using namespace std;
int main () {
    double l, w, C, A;
    cout <<"Length?";
    cin>> l;
    cout <<"Width?";
    cin >>w;
    C = w*2 + l*2;
    cout <<"The circumference of the rectangle is"<<C<< endl; 
    cout <<"Length?";
    cin>> l;
    cout <<"width?";
    cin>> w;
    A = l*w;
    cout<<"The area of the rectangle is"<< A;