Thread: Possible Memory Leak?

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Possible Memory Leak?

    Im having trouble finding what I belive may be a memory leak. The function Im working with seems to work fine for several calls then it crashes. Each time I call the function, the memory used by the program increases until the function crashes, the whole program does not crash, just the function. Im still very new to C programming and this is my first attempt to work with screen capture any advice on what Im doing wrong would be great... here is the function thats giving me so much trouble.

    int grab_screen( int client_fd, char buf[3][2048] )///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
       // FILE *f         = NULL;
        HDC hsDC        = NULL;
        HDC hdDC        = NULL;
        HBITMAP hBMP    = NULL;
        png_struct *pstr;
        png_info *pinf;
        int width, height;
        int i, j, k, u, v;
        int retval, icon;
        icon = atoi( buf[1] + 8 );
        WaitForSingleObject( shot.sem, INFINITE );
       /* initial data setup */
        if( ( hsDC = GetDC( NULL ) ) == NULL )
            return( ERR_GDI_FAILED );
        width  = GetDeviceCaps( hsDC, HORZRES );
        height = GetDeviceCaps( hsDC, VERTRES );
        if( shot.width  != width  ||
            shot.height != height )
            if( shot.bytes_tn != NULL ) free( shot.bytes_tn );
            if( shot.bytes_fs != NULL ) free( shot.bytes_fs );
            if( shot.rows_tn  != NULL ) free( shot.rows_tn  );
            if( shot.rows_fs  != NULL ) free( shot.rows_fs  );
            retval = ERR_MALLOC_FAILED;
            if( ( shot.bytes_tn = malloc( (
                    width * height * 3 ) / 16 ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            if( ( shot.bytes_fs = malloc(
                    width * height * 3 ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            if( ( shot.rows_tn = malloc( (
                    height * sizeof( unsigned char* ) ) / 4 ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            if( ( shot.rows_fs = malloc(
                    height * sizeof( unsigned char* ) ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            shot.width  = width;
            shot.height = height;
        /* create the destination DC & bitmap */
        retval = ERR_GDI_FAILED;
        hBMP = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hsDC, shot.width, shot.height );
        if( hBMP == NULL )
            goto png_exit;
        if( ( hdDC = CreateCompatibleDC( hsDC ) ) == NULL )
            goto png_exit;
        /* copy desktop pixels into bitmap, get the bits */
        memset( &BI, 0, sizeof( BI ) );
        BI.bmiHeader.biSize     = sizeof( BI.bmiHeader );
        BI.bmiHeader.biWidth    = shot.width;
        BI.bmiHeader.biHeight   = shot.height;
        BI.bmiHeader.biPlanes   = 1;
        BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
        if( SelectObject( hdDC, hBMP ) == NULL )
            goto png_exit;
        if( BitBlt( hdDC, 0, 0, shot.width, shot.height,
                    hsDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ) == 0 )
            goto png_exit;
        if( GetDIBits( hdDC, hBMP, 0, shot.height, shot.bytes_fs,
                       &BI, DIB_RGB_COLORS ) != shot.height )
            goto png_exit;
        /* setup the png data row pointers */
        if( icon )
            int B, G, R;
            width  /= 4;
            height /= 4;
           // shrink the image to 25% of its size 
            for( j = 0, k = height - 1; j < height; j++, k-- )
                for( i = 0; i < width * 3; i +=3 )
                    B = G = R = 0;
                    for( v = j * 4; v < (j + 1) * 4; v++ )
                        for( u = i * 4; u < (i + 3) * 4; u += 3 )
                            B += shot.bytes_fs[    u + v * shot.width * 3];
                            G += shot.bytes_fs[1 + u + v * shot.width * 3];
                            R += shot.bytes_fs[2 + u + v * shot.width * 3];
                    shot.bytes_tn[    i + j * width * 3] = B / 16;
                    shot.bytes_tn[1 + i + j * width * 3] = G / 16;
                    shot.bytes_tn[2 + i + j * width * 3] = R / 16;
    	    shot.rows_tn[j] = shot.bytes_tn + k * width * 3;
            for( j = 0, k = height - 1; j < height; j++, k-- )
    	    shot.rows_fs[j] = shot.bytes_fs + k * width * 3;
        /* finally write the png */
        if( send( client_fd, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: "
                             "image/png\r\n\r\n", 44, 0 ) != 44 )
            return( ERR_SEND_FAILED );
        pstr = png_create_write_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0 );
        pinf = png_create_info_struct( pstr );
        png_set_IHDR( pstr, pinf, width, height, 8,
                      PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE );
        png_set_bgr( pstr );
        png_set_write_fn( pstr, (void *) client_fd,
                          user_write_data, user_flush_data );
        png_write_info( pstr, pinf );
        png_write_image( pstr, ( icon ) ? shot.rows_tn : shot.rows_fs );
        png_write_end( pstr, pinf );
        png_destroy_write_struct( &pstr, &pinf );
        retval = 0;
        if( hsDC != NULL );
            ReleaseDC( NULL, hsDC );
        if( hdDC != NULL );
            ReleaseDC( NULL, hdDC );
        if( hBMP != NULL )
            DeleteObject( hBMP ); 
        ReleaseSemaphore( shot.sem, 1, NULL );
        return( retval );

  2. #2
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    The first thing I noticed is that every time you encounter an error you goto png_exit, like so:
        if( hBMP == NULL )
            goto png_exit;
    Except for here:
        if( send( client_fd, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: "
                             "image/png\r\n\r\n", 44, 0 ) != 44 )
            return( ERR_SEND_FAILED );
    If send() failed, you would skip over your resource-freeing code and undoubtable cause a memory leak or two.

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  3. #3
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by g1i7ch View Post
    the whole program does not crash, just the function.
    Very odd thing to say. What does it mean? How can "just the function" crash? I think you're using some new-fangled definition of "crash".

  4. #4
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    Very odd thing to say. What does it mean? How can "just the function" crash? I think you're using some new-fangled definition of "crash".
    Yes, odd it is, I was trying to be brief and convey my point...didnt think Iwould be haggled for my frivolous use of the word : ) . To be exact the function stops operating correctly.

    Thanks for pointing out the oversight, dwks.
    Ill fix this and see if thats the main cause.(edit- still no luck, After making 10-15 successful calls on grab_screen, the function quits returning the image. )
    Last edited by g1i7ch; 05-24-2007 at 02:30 PM. Reason: no need 2 dbl post

  5. #5
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    It stops working correctly? Can you fire up a debugger and figure out where it stops working? Or perhaps just use printf()s until you nail down the problem area?

    Are you passing the same arguments to this function? Are the global variables it accesses in the same state? Is the function returning an error value?

    I noticed something else:
        if( shot.width  != width  ||
            shot.height != height )
            if( shot.bytes_tn != NULL ) free( shot.bytes_tn );
            if( shot.bytes_fs != NULL ) free( shot.bytes_fs );
            if( shot.rows_tn  != NULL ) free( shot.rows_tn  );
            if( shot.rows_fs  != NULL ) free( shot.rows_fs  );
            retval = ERR_MALLOC_FAILED;
            if( ( shot.bytes_tn = malloc( (
                    width * height * 3 ) / 16 ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            if( ( shot.bytes_fs = malloc(
                    width * height * 3 ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            if( ( shot.rows_tn = malloc( (
                    height * sizeof( unsigned char* ) ) / 4 ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            if( ( shot.rows_fs = malloc(
                    height * sizeof( unsigned char* ) ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            shot.width  = width;
            shot.height = height;
    If one of those malloc()s failed, some of the members of shot would be freed, but not set to NULL. So if you called this function again, because they are not NULL, it would try to free them again.

    The best way to fix that would be to set them all to NULL after freeing them, or just free them just before the malloc() calls.

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  6. #6
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    The best way to fix that would be to set them all to NULL after freeing them, or just free them just before the malloc() calls.
    Tried both suggestions and still no luck.
    Debugger gives only one hintThe thread has exited with code 10 (0xA).)
    but I couldnt find any helpful info on it...I am sure this function is where the problem is, maybe a buf overflow somewhere...Im just not seeing it.
    thanks for all the help dwks

  7. #7
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    You did mean to divide by 4 and 16 respectively?
            if( ( shot.bytes_tn = malloc( (
                    width * height * 3 ) / 16 ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            if( ( shot.bytes_fs = malloc(
                    width * height * 3 ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            if( ( shot.rows_tn = malloc( (
                    height * sizeof( unsigned char* ) ) / 4 ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
            if( ( shot.rows_fs = malloc(
                    height * sizeof( unsigned char* ) ) ) == NULL )
                goto png_exit;
    It looks like you access [1 + height-1 + height-1 * width * 3], which is probably beyond the boundaries of width * height * 3 / 16.
                    shot.bytes_tn[    i + j * width * 3] = B / 16;
                    shot.bytes_tn[1 + i + j * width * 3] = G / 16;
                    shot.bytes_tn[2 + i + j * width * 3] = R / 16;

    Seek and ye shall find. quaere et invenies.

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  8. #8
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    Just out of curiosity, what are width and height when you are testing? If width*height*3 is not a multiple of 16, you could have a small problem here:
    >        if( ( shot.bytes_tn = malloc( (
    >                width * height * 3 ) / 16 ) ) == NULL )
    And also here if height is not a multiple of 4:
    >        if( ( shot.rows_tn = malloc( (
    >                height * sizeof( unsigned char* ) ) / 4 ) ) == NULL )
    Also does buf[1]+8 point at some string terminated with a string terminator ('\0'), that is a valid int?

  9. #9
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    Yes, this must be the there a better way to shrink the image, this is ugly code.
    many thanks dwks

  10. #10
    Woof, woof! zacs7's Avatar
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    if( shot.bytes_tn != NULL ) free( shot.bytes_tn );
    if( shot.bytes_fs != NULL ) free( shot.bytes_fs );
    if( shot.rows_tn != NULL ) free( shot.rows_tn );
    if( shot.rows_fs != NULL ) free( shot.rows_fs );
    Is redundant since freeing a NULL pointer has no effect, free does this check itself.


  11. #11
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > for several calls then it crashes
    How does it crash? Details man, we need details.

    Also, if resources are being eroded, then it's entirely possible that something else in the code is leaking them, and it's only in this function that you get to notice.

    Eg. put a return; right at the start of the function. It won't save any images, but do your other tests to see if resources are being consumed or not.
    If they are, you're digging in the wrong place.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  12. #12
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    Ok, here are the details.

    Each time I call grab_screen I lose 5M of memory which just happens to be about the amount needed to store the bitmap image of my screen...but its not being freed. Make 5 calls lose 25M of memory.

    After 10-15 calls on grab_screen the function returns a blank image. Once the function starts returning a blank image the program quits eating up the memory and continues to function correctly minus the grab_screen part.

    I really appreciate all help...I sure this is something stupidly simple I missed somewhere and am just not seeing/getting.

  13. #13
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    ALLRIGHT! As I thought about my reply to Salems post I looked at my cleanup I left out one important thing...

    DeleteDC(hdDC );

    Im sure this is something stupidly simple I missed somewhere and am just not seeing/getting.
    I knew it.
    Thank you all for the help All is well now.

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