Thread: unwanted Variable Change

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Question unwanted Variable Change

    I have a struct:
    typedef struct PLAYER
    	char *name;
    	int cash;
    	int AI;
    	card hand[1];
    } player;
    and another:
    typedef struct CARD
    	short int index; 
    	Suit suit; 
    	Value value;
    	char name[18];
    } card;
    within this section of code sumthing odd happens:

    	extern player Player[];
    	printf( "CashB = %d\n", Player[0].cash ); /* Player[0].cash = 2500 */
    	printf( "CashC = %d\n", Player[0].cash ); /* Player[0].cash = 3 */
    newDeck function. in Deck.c:
    int newDeck(card * Deck)
    	int i;
    	extern player Player[];
    	printf( "CashBA = %d\n", Player[0].cash ); /* Player[0].cash = 2500 */
    	for( i=0; i<52; i++)
    		newCard(&Deck[i], i);
    	printf( "CashBB = %d\n", Player[0].cash ); /* Player[0].cash = 3 */
    	return 0;
    newCard function. in Card.c:
    int newCard(card *Card, int index)
    	extern player Player[];
    	printf( "CashBAA = %d\n", Player[0].cash ); /* Player[0].cash = 2500 */
    	Card->index = index;
    	Card->value =  (index%13);
    	Card->suit =  (index/13);
    	printf( "CashBAB = %d\n", Player[0].cash ); /* 	if(index == 51)Player[0].cash = 3; 
    							Player[0].cash = 3;*/
    Does anyone know why Player[0].cash could change, when no Player variables are even mentioned or used within this function newCard (i only used 'extern player Player;' to check the value of Player[0].cash)

    cardName(Card); also doesnt reference and Player variables.

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > card hand[1];
    Arrays with one element and generally pretty pointless.
    Did you overflow it elsewhere.

    Also, make sure your deck has 52 cards in it, otherwise your loops will seriously trash someone elses memory.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    yeah i think i worked out most of my arrays were one too small. i thort arrays started at 0. i.e card[1] = 2 elements; card[0] and card[1]. It didnt generate any overflow errors but the output ofmy arrays were random.

  4. #4
    Registered User moi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purebuu
    yeah i think i worked out most of my arrays were one too small. i thort arrays started at 0. i.e card[1] = 2 elements; card[0] and card[1]. It didnt generate any overflow errors but the output ofmy arrays were random.
    Array indicies start at 0, but the size of it is still 1 based; so char card[2] gives you spots card[0] and card[1]...
    hello, internet!

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