I did everything you suggested, but doesn't work...now this is the current situation:
class CMyDlg : public CDialog
    void privExecCommand( CHAR cmd );
    static UINT __cdecl privListeningThread( LPVOID pParams );

BOOL CMyDlg::OnInitDialog()
    AfxBeginThread( (AFX_THREADPROC) &CMyDlg::privListeningThread, (LPVOID)(this) );

UINT CMyDlg::privListeningThread(LPVOID pParams)
    CMyDlg *pCaller = (CMyDlg*) pParams;
         cmd = foo_ReadPort();
         pCaller->privExecCommand( cmd );
    }while( TRUE );
    return 0;
It still happens that the method called can't find the right members of the object called, insted it finds zeroed fileds.
I'm using VC++ 6.0