Thread: Getting co-ordinates of the screen

  1. #1

    Talking Getting co-ordinates of the screen

    I have created a multi-doc application in visual c++ and in the CProjectView class I have used the function:

    void CDrawView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {

    CString s1;
    CString old;

    CClientDC dc(this);
    //add a crect to the dc at point
    _itoa(point.x, s1, 10);
    old += s1;
    old += " , ";
    _itoa(point.y, s1, 10);
    old += s1;


    This function is used to add a rectangle to the document and then show the co-ordinates of the point pressed. The problem I'm having is that the co-ordinates showing up are the co-ordinates of what's on the screen, not the whole document. The co-ordinates of the whoe document go up to 1700, 1122. But when I press the bottom-right of the view it shows only 950, 600. If I then scroll across and down and then press the bottom-right of the view again it shows only 950, 600 again(when I want it to show 1700, 1122). Can you help me?

  2. #2
    You might try:

    /*The previous origin of the viewport (in device coordinates) as a CPoint object.*/

    The return value is the previous origin of the viewport (in device coordinates) as a CPoint object.

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