
I'm trying to get layered windows to work with the Win32api and WinXP. However, no matter how hard I try, I can't get the darn thing to compile! This is the part of the code that does the 'layering':

LONG_PTR lptr;
lptr=SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_LAYERED);

SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, RGB(0,0,0), 127, LWA_ALPHA);

And this is the debug report I get:

--------------------Configuration: wa4 - Win32 Debug--------------------
C:\SIMON\TEMP\wa4\wa4.cpp(23) : error C2065: 'WS_EX_LAYERED' : undeclared identifier
C:\SIMON\TEMP\wa4\wa4.cpp(25) : error C2065: 'SetLayeredWindowAttributes' : undeclared identifier
C:\SIMON\TEMP\wa4\wa4.cpp(25) : error C2065: 'LWA_ALPHA' : undeclared identifier
Error executing cl.exe.

wa4.dll - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)


It seems that the compiler can't find the necessary identifiers. However, it should be able to, as I've copied all the relevent new windows header and lib files from the August 2001 platform SDK to the Visual C++ 6.00 headers and lib folders.

Anyone know what's going on?