
I have created a BS_OWNERDRAW button and handled the WM_DRAWITEM message exactly as Charles Petzold indicated in his book. It workds exactly as I want, but when I click it, the background becomes white instead of the background color.

When I release it is ok. If I click it, drag away from it and release, it stays white until I click it again or I click another control.

I set the background for the text to transparent to avoid seeing a gray background above the white, but it is definitely not what I want...

I'm not sure what I did wrong...

If anyone could help me, I would really be grateful...

This is my button creation code:

//Create the rollout button
itsRolloutButtonHandle = ::CreateWindow("button", itsCaption.c_str(), (WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_OWNERDRAW), 0, 0, 128, 18, itsHandle, (HMENU)IDC_ROLLOUT_BUTTON, itsHInstance, NULL);
if (itsRolloutButtonHandle == 0 || !IsWindow(itsRolloutButtonHandle))
    return 0;

//Change the cursor
if (::SetClassLong(itsRolloutButtonHandle, GCL_HCURSOR, (LONG)LoadCursor(0, IDC_HAND)) == 0)
    return 0;
This is the WM_DRAWITEM from the window proc
(the code isn't optimal, I'm just trying to make it work first)

        case WM_DRAWITEM:
                //The draw item struct
                LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT currDrawItemStructPtr = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) currLParam;

                //Create new color, pen, brushes and fonts
                COLORREF currTextColor = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT); 
                COLORREF currBackgroundColor = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU); 
                HPEN currPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, currTextColor);
                HBRUSH currBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(currBackgroundColor);
                HFONT currFont = (HFONT)::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
                HFONT currExpandFont = (HFONT)::GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT);

                //Store the former rect color, pen, brushes and fonts and select the new ones
                RECT formerRect = currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem;
                COLORREF formerTextColor = ::SetTextColor(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, currTextColor); 
                ::SetBkMode(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, TRANSPARENT);
                HPEN formerPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, currPen);
                HFONT formerFont = SelectFont(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, currFont);

                //Fill the rect
                ::FillRect(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, &currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem, currBrush);
                //Frame the rect
                ::Rectangle(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.left, currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.top, currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.right, currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.bottom);

                //Draw the caption
                currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.left += (constRolloutButtonCaptionPadding + 2);
                currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.right -= constRolloutButtonCaptionPadding;
                currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.top += 1;
                currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.bottom += 1;

                std::string currCaption;

                char currBuffer[512];

                if (::GetDlgItemText(currHandle, IDC_ROLLOUT_BUTTON, currBuffer, 512) != 0) 
                    currCaption = std::string(currBuffer);
                    currCaption = "";

                ::DrawText(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, currCaption.c_str(), -1, &currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem, (DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_INTERNAL));

                //Draw the expand sign
                currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.left -= (constRolloutButtonCaptionPadding - 1);
                currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.right = currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.left + constRolloutButtonExpandSignWidth;
                currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.top -= 1;
                currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem.bottom -= 1;

                std::string currExpandSign = "-";
                if (currWinRolloutPtr->getRolledUpFlag() == true) { currExpandSign = "+"; }

                SelectFont(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, currExpandFont);

                ::DrawText(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, currExpandSign.c_str(), -1, &currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem, (DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_INTERNAL));

                //Restore the rect
                currDrawItemStructPtr->rcItem = formerRect;

                //Select back the former items
                ::SetTextColor(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, formerTextColor);
                ::SetBkMode(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, OPAQUE);
                ::SelectObject(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, formerPen);
                SelectFont(currDrawItemStructPtr->hDC, formerFont);

                //Delete the brush and pen

                return TRUE;