Thread: Moving just one part of listbox

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  1. #1
    the Corvetter
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Moving just one part of listbox

    I have programmed a listbox onto the client area. In CreateWindowEx I have set where the list box should be placed on the client and how wide at creation time. But, when the user does something to enter a string, I want to make the listbox accomidate (sp?) to fit another string by making it cyChar longer. I know that I would use MoveWindow to do this sort of thing, but I don't want to fool around with the other three values of the placement/size of the listbox. Is there an easier way to just make the listbox longer without as much risk?

    1978 Silver Anniversary Corvette

  2. #2
    What's wrong with MoveWindow? All you need do is store the coords of your listbox - just change those variables and feed them into MoveWindow as required. So if width is all you need change then, for example (pseudo-code):

    MoveWindow(hwndListBox,Left,Top,nListBoxWidth,Heig ht,1);

    ...or longer...but i'm sure you get the idea.


    You could just give the listbox the WS_VSCROLL style, ie give it a vertical scrollbar, instead and let it deal with accomodating your expanding list.

  3. #3
    the Corvetter
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    >> You could just give the listbox the WS_VSCROLL style, ie give it a vertical scrollbar, instead and let it deal with accomodating your expanding list. <<

    Yeah, I'll probably just do this. I had this in the back of my mind, but I wanted to see if I couldn't just expand the listbox with everystring.

    Another question...

    Would it be the combo box child that is a "drop-down listbox"? Or just another window type of the listbox? That could also be another way for me to do this. Thanks......

    1978 Silver Anniversary Corvette

  4. #4
    train spotter
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    Aug 2001
    near a computer
    Another way is to scroll it up each time a string is entered. The style is 'show selection always'.

    or dynamically

    	SendMessage(hListBox, LVM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(int)iRow, (LPARAM)(LPRECT) &ItemRect);
    	SendMessage(hListBox, LVM_SCROLL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM) (;
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  5. #5
    Registered User
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    SetWindowPos(listBox, 0, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE);
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