Everytime I try to compile this it gives me this error code

" invalid conversion from `void*' to `CHAR*' "

I changed the GlobalAlloc() function to an integer to see if it was trying to return void, but it would give me a "invalid conversion from void* to int" error, so something is wrong with the DWORD FileSize, but I can't figure out what. It's suppose to be the save as... part of the program, but this is the only spot I'm hung up on. It does the same thing for open...

		LPSTR FileSize;
		DWORD BufferSize;
		BufferSize = GetWindowTextLength(hSave);

		if(BufferSize > 0){
			DWORD Buff;
			Buff = BufferSize + 1;
			FileSize = GlobalAlloc(GHND,Buff);  //<--- says that is the error