I'm trying to subclass an edit control using WTL. I am using this article for instruction


So, basically, what I have, is a bunch of edit boxes that I create from a rc template, and my edit control subclass (in the article, this is CEditEnterAsTabT, in my code it's CEditArrowsT), and when I try to AttachToDlgItem (actually subclass the edit controls) in my dialogs OnInitDlg routine.


	BOOL AttachToDlgItem(HWND parent, UINT dlgID)
		m_dlgItem = dlgID;
		m_parent = parent;
		m_hWnd = ::GetDlgItem(parent, dlgID);
		return SubclassWindow(m_hWnd);
In this method, SubclassWindow in the failiure. On MSDN it comments

Do not call SubclassWindow if you have already called Create.
But I don't call create, they're dialog elements programmed into the resource script. This comment is the only reason I can see for failure, is there anyway I might get around it? I might try hardcoding the edit controls into the dialog if there isn't but that seems very inconvenient.