I am having a great deal of trouble for what would seem to be an easy task: I need to obtain the system font and specify its size.
I found this incredibly easy and stress-free to do in a dialog box, all I had to do was include the "DS_SHELLFONT" flag and then the statement "FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"".
However, doing this in a non-resource, non-dialog situation seems to be unnecessarily difficult:
- GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT) does not allow you to specify the size (so I end up with the right font... but wrong (huge) size)
- CreateFont did not seem to return the correct font when specifying the font as "MS Shell Dlg". (plus its many parameters make it cumbersome and hard to negotiate)

So how would I get the system font and then change its size to a more appropriate value for use with my GUI?