hi there.

I'm a massive newbie to win32 programming in general but I do see some of the basic concepts of it and how I could apply them to a program I plan to make.

the program will involve displaying a bitmap of great size (1024x1024 pixels) and applying various things to it. because of its size, I'm definitely going to need scroll bars to view all of the bitmap!

I want to ask for a possible concept on how I would scroll the bitmap, give it a resizeable viewing area (the amount of the bitmap image veiwable at a time depending on the size of the window itself) and if it would be possible to get the co-ordinates that the mouse cursor will be over with relevance to the top left of the image?

I also ask if I would be able to say...allocate part of the window to be used for a general 'tools' area (to select various tools and graphics to work with the bitmap) with the bitmap viewing/scrolling area being below it? or would I have to seperate the windows for this?

I've tried searching but I don't get the answer I'm looking for. There was a topic on how the MSDN reference to scrolling bitmaps was wrong but there was no reply stating a real way to scroll them. Theres also a few unaswered topics on the issue.

I'm using C by the way.

Thanks for your time!