Dear friends,

I am a semi-beginner in VC++ and I use MFC for writing a Robot control based application, Although I am a beginner Windows Programmer but It's been several years that I program in C.

I have a dialog based MFC application and I want to have another window without focus(modal) beside it which i can draw some graphics in(updated by some inervals by main dialog routines). If someone please give me some keywords to search and some howtos for this subject I would really appreciate it. in simple words:

1. I wanna open a new dialog from the main dialog.(I know how to do it , but I don't know how to make it in-modal)

2. I wanna draw some graphics on the new dialog.(If somebody please refer me a good article to start simple graphics in MFC , I would really appreciate it)

3.I wanna update some graphics on the window , time by time.

Thanx a lot.

PS. I am so sticky to a subject , Just show me the way and I will go beyond it to the end.