Thread: Stopping threads in DLLs

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  1. #1
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    Stopping threads in DLLs

    Hi all,

    My code is somthing like the following:

    BOOL terminated;
    BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hinst, DWORD  reason, LPVOID lpReserved)
    	if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
    		terminated = FALSE;
    		thread_handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, run_thread, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &thread_id);
    		SetThreadPriority(thread_handle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
    	if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
    		if (lpReserved != NULL)
    			log_log(LOG_CRITICAL, "DllMain", "plugin exception error, terminated");
    		terminated = TRUE;
    	return 1;
    DWORD __stdcall run_thread(LPVOID lparam)
    	//setup the log
    	//init timers
    	//start main thread loop
    	while (terminated == FALSE)
    		//do stuff here
    	//stop logging
    	FreeLibraryAndExitThread((HMODULE)lparam, 0);
    	return 0;
    Is this the correct way to shutdown a thread on calling FreeLibrary() from the app that loaded the DLL?

    Im guessing its not, due to using the "terminated" global var, but i cant think of how it should be done properly.


  2. #2
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    After the system has called DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, it will remove the DLL from memory. In your code, the thread function may still be running, which would cause a crash.

    Here is one way you could do it:
    BOOL terminated;
    BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hinst, DWORD  reason, LPVOID lpReserved)
    	if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
    		terminated = FALSE;
    		thread_handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, run_thread, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &thread_id);
    		SetThreadPriority(thread_handle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
    	if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
    		if (lpReserved != NULL)
    			log_log(LOG_CRITICAL, "DllMain", "plugin exception error, terminated");
    		terminated = TRUE;
    		// Wait for thread to finish before returning...
    		WaitForSingleObject(thread_handle, INFINITE);
    	return 1;
    DWORD __stdcall run_thread(LPVOID lparam)
    	//setup the log
    	//init timers
    	//start main thread loop
    	while (terminated == FALSE)
    		//do stuff here
    	//stop logging
    	// Don't unload here...
    	return 0;
    I would also strongly recommend that you move the start and stop code to seperate functions (say Start and Stop) that are called by the calling application. Running code like this from DllMain may cause problems as outlined in the DllMain documentation page.

    You would probably be better off replacing the terminated variable with an event. This can be waited on instead of calling Sleep. Something like this:
    	while (WaitForSingleObject(hTerminationEvent, 200) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
    		//do stuff here

  3. #3
    Disrupting the universe Mad_guy's Avatar
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    When you declare BOOL terminate; you do not declare it as volatile. Meaning that the compiler doesn't bother to reload it in it's implementation. What if the compiler optimizes that while loop to this:

    mov eax,[terminated]
    cmp eax,0 ;Remember, TRUE == anything that's NOT 0
    je whileloop
    This would obviously cause a infinate loop. Therefore, if you take this route (which I advise you do not) that you declare the global Bool as Volatile. An alternative is to use an event + WaitFor*, or declare the global as long and instead use the Interlocked* functions.
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  4. #4
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    Thanks for the advice guys, but im still having problems.

    I have changed to "volatile BOOL terminated" and am using WaitForSingleObject() as above.

    I have stepped through the code, and the thread does return after the "terminated" var stops the processing loop, but WaitForSingleObject() never returns.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks again.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_guy
    When you declare BOOL terminate; you do not declare it as volatile. Meaning that the compiler doesn't bother to reload it in it's implementation. What if the compiler optimizes that while loop to this:

    mov eax,[terminated]
    cmp eax,0 ;Remember, TRUE == anything that's NOT 0
    je whileloop
    This would obviously cause a infinate loop. Therefore, if you take this route (which I advise you do not) that you declare the global Bool as Volatile. An alternative is to use an event + WaitFor*, or declare the global as long and instead use the Interlocked* functions.
    The volatile keyword is only used on variables which can change outside of the scope of the application. In this case, the variable terminated is only shared among threads, thus volatile is not needed. The optimization you outlined would never take place with a global variable.

  6. #6
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bithub
    The volatile keyword is only used on variables which can change outside of the scope of the application. In this case, the variable terminated is only shared among threads, thus volatile is not needed. The optimization you outlined would never take place with a global variable.
    I did a search and this seems to be a controversial topic. My conclusions from usenet posts:
    • The C standard does not deal with threads so gives no guidance about the use of volatile in this situation.
    • Behaviour is compiler specific.

    In that vain, I did some testing on my two installed compilers, MSVC.NET and GCC (Dev C++/MinGW). The results are reproduced below.

    The volatile keyword was included or taken out as noted.
    #include <windows.h>
    volatile int i;
    	int j = 0;
    	while (i == 1)
    	return 0;
    	int j = 0;
    	while (i == 2)
    	return 0;
    	int j = 0;
    	while (j++ < 10000)  ;
    	i = 2;
    	return 0;
    int main(void)
    	HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadA, 0, 0, NULL);
    	hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadC, 0, 0, NULL);
    	return 0;
    VC using /O1, no volatile
    This does the comparison once and goes into an infinite loop if it matches.
    _ThreadA@4 PROC NEAR					; COMDAT
    ; 8    : 	int j = 0;
    ; 9    : 
    ; 10   : 	while (i == 1)
    	cmp	DWORD PTR _i, 1
    	jne	SHORT $L74000
    	jmp	SHORT $L73999
    ; 11   : 	{
    ; 12   : 		j++;
    ; 13   : 	}
    ; 14   : 
    ; 15   : 	return 0;
    	xor	eax, eax
    ; 16   : }
    	ret	4
    VC using /O2, no volatile
    This does the comparison once and goes into an infinite loop if it matches.
    _ThreadA@4 PROC NEAR					; COMDAT
    ; 8    : 	int j = 0;
    ; 9    : 
    ; 10   : 	while (i == 1)
    	cmp	DWORD PTR _i, 1
    	jne	SHORT $L74081
    	jmp	SHORT $L74048
    ; 11   : 	{
    ; 12   : 		j++;
    ; 13   : 	}
    ; 14   : 
    ; 15   : 	return 0;
    	xor	eax, eax
    ; 16   : }
    	ret	4
    VC using /O1, with volatile
    This does the comparison every loop iteration
    _ThreadA@4 PROC NEAR					; COMDAT
    ; 7    : {
    ; 8    : 	int j = 0;
    ; 9    : 
    ; 10   : 	while (i == 1)
    	cmp	DWORD PTR _i, 1
    	je	SHORT $L74032
    ; 11   : 	{
    ; 12   : 		j++;
    ; 13   : 	}
    ; 14   : 
    ; 15   : 	return 0;
    	xor	eax, eax
    ; 16   : }
    	ret	4
    VC using /O2, with volatile
    This does the comparison every loop iteration
    _ThreadA@4 PROC NEAR					; COMDAT
    ; 8    : 	int j = 0;
    ; 9    : 
    ; 10   : 	while (i == 1)
    	mov	ecx, DWORD PTR _i
    	mov	eax, 1
    	cmp	ecx, eax
    	jne	SHORT $L74081
    	cmp	DWORD PTR _i, eax
    	je	SHORT $L74048
    ; 11   : 	{
    ; 12   : 		j++;
    ; 13   : 	}
    ; 14   : 
    ; 15   : 	return 0;
    	xor	eax, eax
    ; 16   : }
    	ret	4
    GCC using /O2, no volatile
    This does the comparison once and goes into an infinite loop if it matches.
    	pushl	%ebp
    	movl	_i, %eax     // Next 4 lines: if (i == 2) goto L12;
    	movl	%esp, %ebp
    	cmpl	$2, %eax
    	je	L12
    	xorl	%eax, %eax    // Next 3 lines: return 0;
    	popl	%ebp
    	ret	$4
    	je	L12
    	jmp	L14             // This is never reached
    GCC using /O2, with volatile
    This does the comparison every loop iteration
    	pushl	%ebp
    	movl	_i, %eax     // Next 4 lines: if (i == 2) goto L12;
    	movl	%esp, %ebp
    	cmpl	$2, %eax
    	je	L12
    	xorl	%eax, %eax   // Next 3 lines: return 0;
    	popl	%ebp
    	ret	$4
    	movl	_i, %eax   // Next 3 lines: if (i == 2) goto L12;
    	cmpl	$2, %eax
    	je	L12
    	jmp	L14                // Next 1 lines: goto L14;
    Although there is no guarantee that volatile will help when using a global variable accross threads, this testing clearly suggests that it may be required when using MSVC or MinGW and it is probably a good idea to use it.

  7. #7
    Disrupting the universe Mad_guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bithub
    The volatile keyword is only used on variables which can change outside of the scope of the application. In this case, the variable terminated is only shared among threads, thus volatile is not needed. The optimization you outlined would never take place with a global variable.
    The reason the keyword is there is because volatility says it could be changed by basically _any_ force, and therefore the compiler should reload it when it is used rather than using a consistant copy loaded into a register. The 'outside' force here, is the other thread when you think about it, if you don't declare it as volatile, there is a pretty good chance that it won't bothered to reload it which is very much bad.

    And people wonder why I think that threading is the bane of all programming. It's a very powerful technique if you can successfully do it, but it is quite dangerous and should try and be avoided if you ask me.
    Last edited by Mad_guy; 12-24-2005 at 05:23 PM.
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  8. #8
    Registered User
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    I stand corrected. I guess I've just never come across this problem before. To be fair I rarely turn on optimizations on my projects though .

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